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Thanks to everyone who participated in the Doodle poll to schedule this one, I can now announce that our next Patreon-exclusive Crowdcast, featuring Indo-European linguist Dr. Tony Yates, will be on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. US Mountain time (the time ought to show in your local timezone at the link above). I hope that you'll come and bring some great questions! 

If you can't make it, feel free to comment here or message me on patreon with a question that you'd like me to ask on your behalf.


Patreon Crowdcast No. 7 with Dr. Tony Yates - Crowdcast

Register now for Jackson Crawford's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Thursday January 09, 2020 at 5:00 pm MST.


CJ Canton

What are the current thoughts on the IE Urheimat? Is the Ukraine hypothesis still supreme? The consensus seems to be that some borrowings from proto-semetic definitely happened, such as the word for seven from Semetic saba'. How frequent were these types of borrowings from what we can tell, and what do they imply about PIE's relationship with proto-Semetic?

CJ Canton

Also where's a good place to look for an in-depth view on the latest thinking in the field vas-a-vis PIE reconstructed mythology?