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In a departure from my usual subjects, today on my Youtube channel I took a page from Naval Ravikant’s book and decided to share some of my “meta” conclusions that might help people succeed in something similar to what I’m doing—sharing their expertise in free online videos.

Of course, you’re the ones who make it possible—so thank you! And thank you for sticking around through a troublous semester, and for all the kind thoughts and suggestions about my carpal tunnel pain.

I’m told that all the copies of The Wanderer’s Hávamál from the first print run will be printed and bound within a week!

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford


Online Video Education: Nine Principles

Nine ideas that have helped guide one online video educator's efforts, and may help others who want to share their expertise on video platforms online. Jackson Crawford’s translation of Hávamál, with complete Old Norse text: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624668356 Jackson Crawford, Ph.D.: Sharing real expertise in Norse language and myth with people hungry to learn, free of both ivory tower elitism and the agendas of self-appointed gurus. Visit JacksonWCrawford.com (includes bio and linked list of all videos). Jackson Crawford’s translation of The Poetic Edda: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624663567 Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Poetic-Edda-Audiobook/1982597550?qid=1542115406 Jackson Crawford’s translation of The Saga of the Volsungs: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624666337 Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Saga-of-the-Volsungs-Audiobook/B07L44HRNH Latest FAQs: https://youtu.be/MmyDbAmLRyA (updated Nov. 2018). Jackson Crawford’s Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/norsebysw Music © I See Hawks in L.A., courtesy of the artist. Visit http://www.iseehawks.com/ Logos by Elizabeth Porter (snowbringer at gmail).



For your non-Norse content, I'd say this now ranks as one of my favorite videos. The other, "Being a Good Learner" I really appreciate, though I'd say this one rivals it.


I enjoyed this video very much. It was very humble and informative. It’s sad the direction academics is heading, soon all the experts will need to turn to the internet or we’ll have none left (the universities will be the first to lose out).