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A year ago I posted the syllabi I used for my Norse Mythology and Icelandic Sagas courses in spring 2018, but I've vastly improved them with a year's worth of experience so I'm sharing those current versions here (and deleting the old ones). They are attached as .pdf files; my friendly request is that they not be shared further without checking with Stella at admin@jacksonwcrawford.com first.

I'll post a further explanation of what some of the less obvious readings are in a future post.

The inconsistent way I write Old Norse words on the syllabus is basically explained like this: I follow the anglicization rules Hackett and I created for my translation of The Saga of the Volsungs, unless I'm referring to a file name (in which case the word is written out with an approximation from just the 26 letters of English, like in the anglicization rules I followed for my translation of The Poetic Edda) or the specific title of someone else's publication or translation.

Still weak from my four-day stay in the ICU. But now I have two full days of work done behind me, so I'm feeling a little less behind.

For now, all the best,

Jackson Crawford


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