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Þǫkk! | ᚦᛅᚴ! 

(which means "thanks!"—hopefully that turned out with the right letters in your browser)

Welcome to my Patreon page! And thank you very much for supporting my efforts to make good information about Norse language, myth, runes, and related subjects available to anyone who wants it without an agenda or elite disdain.

Patreon is really buggy, so there are a few things you ought to know right away:

1. I post frequently at patreon.com/norsebysw about upcoming interviews and other rewards and updates. You won't necessarily see these updates unless you check for them or sign up for notifications. You can adjust what email notifications you get from my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/settings/email and looking for "When Jackson Crawford posts paid content" and turning it on.

2. The "Messages" feature on Patreon does not work. If you send me a message there, it's likely I'll never get a notification for it, and I might not be able to see it if I check for it manually. The best way to get in touch is either to post in the Community page (https://www.patreon.com/norsebysw/community), or e-mail my assistant Stella (admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com --remember the W between my first and last names). You can also, of course, comment on posts that I make and ask questions during Zoom interviews and "office hours."

3. This Patreon community has been around since 2016, and I've experimented a lot with what I offer to subscribers. Some old videos (from 2018 or earlier) mention bonuses like translation services and a Discord server that I no longer offer. My assistant Stella and I will help you *study* Old Norse, but we won't translate texts for you, and don't know of anyone we can recommend who does that at this time.

4. I do not make a post on Patreon every time I upload a video, nor will Patreon notify you automatically when I do. You still have to manage your Youtube subscriptions on Youtube (or just check my Youtube page manually a few times a week).

All the best,

Jackson Crawford
Added: 2023-11