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We have updated the donations amount with the funds raised in February 2016, as always you can find all details in our dedicated page: http://www.unseen64.net/how-to-he..
  • Preservation Fund @ January 2016:
    • Total: 2,319.32 $ (from Patreon + One-Off donations)
  • New Patreon Donations in February 2016:
    • +$270.00 Processed 
    • -$17.83 CC / Paypal Fees
    • -$13.50 Patreon Fees
  • One-Off Donations in February 2016:
    • +$15.00
  • New Total for February 2016:  2,572.99 $

Planned Expenses:

About ??? $ = as we wrote before we would like to test investing part of the Preservation Fund to incentive authors to write more articles each month, to archive more and more games in the site. We will test this in the future, when work on the Unseen64 book will be good enough to permit us to use some time for extra updates on the site.

About 600 $ = Unseen64 server cost 2016 + 24/7 technical support (from August 2016 to August 2017).

About 600 $ = an estimate of the cost to print and ship Unseen64 books (when they will be finished) to each author that contributed with at least a few great articles for the book.

Before to start to rise donations for the Unseen64 server 2017 (from August 2017 to August 2018, we will probably start at the end of 2016), future donations will be set aside in a "Preservation Fund", for emergency site expenses.

  • About 1,372,99$ = as usual we will open a discussion on Patreon when there will be possible expenses, for now this amount remains in the Preservation Funds for future needs.

We think that this is not our money, the use of donations in the Preservation Fund is discussed with all the contributors that help to preserve lost videogames in the Unseen64 online archive. We keep this page updated each month, so you can track down how many donations will be raised and how they will be used.

Big gaming networks such as IGN or Kotaku have the resources to own powerful servers and to pay a team to work full-time on their websites, keeping their sites online and publishing daily updates. We don’t have their resources, but we think we have something better: we have you, a community of gamers that know why it’s important to remember beta and cancelled games. Thanks for your support!



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