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Leora Nechama

This episode is so much fun. Lots of good comedy. Love the girls getting high and the Jamie/Nathan/Julian stuff. Skillz always makes me laugh. I agree Clay and Sarah have great chemistry. Rachel has no empathy, but I have no sympathy for Dan being used so it's kind of fun.


Sorry Steven, a lot of people actually did like Clay and Quinn as a couple lol even at this point in the show, I remember they had many fans. Honestly I’m fine with Quinn as a character. She’s not my favorite by any means, but I don’t really think she’s that bad. I feel like you hated her storyline with her husband so much and that’s clouded the way you view her as a whole lol because in the last few episodes she hasn’t really done anything negative but the existence of her on screen seems to bug you lol so I think you might have a tough time with some storylines coming up, because she is one of the main characters on the show now.