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Brian, it’s a tv show don’t get so worked up. It’s not real, it’s tv. Their seniors.


I also saw ren upto now just being friendly and helping her. And the kiss, that was all Hanna. She did it quick, he really didn’t kiss back and he seemed shocked. Think maybe you overreacted to it, it wasn’t ren that was instigating it, Hanna was just happy Mona was there and didn’t think about what she was doing being a teen still. I do not see it as Hanna into ren that way at all

I Am Not Chamari

I agree about Ezra’s mom. She needs to redirect all of that energy to Mr. Predator himself and stop attacking a teenager at a gala because she was groomed by YOUR SON. Aria’s conversation in the end always makes me SO sad because all of the pieces are there for everyone around her to help Aria get away from Ezra, but the show still shoves the romance down our throats. It’s absurd. No teenage girl should have to ask the question if she is ruining an adult man’s life when we all know it’s the other way around. We have never seen Maya get into Garrett’s car… unless I’m misremembering. This is new information. And all the Nate/Emily stuff is going somewhere. Be patient lol As someone who hates all the weird predatory relationships on this show, the Wren and Hanna thing is not really that bad in comparison. Wren told Hanna that Mona was moving so Hanna wouldn’t be blindsided it and lose all access to Mona all of a sudden. Like, of course that would be pertinent information to tell her and Hanna even convinced Wren to prevent it so we’d still have Mona around. Wren could have set boundaries with Hanna in general but there really isn’t much here. Wren has been a bit of a mentor for Hanna as she deals with Mona’s changing states of being in the hospital, and I think their interactions under that guise is totally fine. Hanna just kissed him because she was excited and maybe projected some thing onto him since he’s been helping her. But I agree… the show shouldn’t really do it at all. I’m also confused about why Hanna visiting Mona is weird to you. Let’s say that I gave information that put my friend in an institution. Does that mean I don’t have the right to visit her or would be prevented from visiting her? Not really! Hanna also uses a different last name, just in case. The Spencer/Toby scene is very important and was bigger than Jason. It was mostly the issue that Hanna/Caleb had, except Toby is dealing with it differently. Spencer does not tell him anything about what’s going on in her life, even as it puts her in danger, and he’s going to figure out what’s going on himself. And this is sooooo random, but I LOVE Aria’s dress at the beginning of the episode. It’s so pretty and suits her well.