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emily ღ

excited to watch this one tonight! i hope you're enjoying greys more and i hope some comments, mine included, haven't made you feel too bad about liking or disliking certain characters. this is a show i hope you stick with for at least a good while, and i do sincerely enjoy your reactions so much!

emily ღ

grey's is so good about doing these overarching themes throughout certain episodes. this theme was faith/belief. we have the girl with the very strong faith who puts alex in his place, the man who just wanted to be believed, izzy with the psychic, and christian's patient who had faith in her own decision. so while the stuff with the psychic wasn't logical, it did connect with the theme. that sometimes logic isn't the only thing there is. i thought it was a really unique and human way of going about an episode of a medical show where everything is so science-based. i loved christian's line about "that's a problem that has a solution, not every problem does." i also think it can connect to science not having an answer for every single thing. there's jellyfish with "benjamin button's." there's these little parasite organisms that will replace a fish's tongue with their own bodies who, mid-way through their life cycle change their sex/reproductive organs. there's just certain things that we don't have answers for and can't explain. the psychic was used to show that, so i didn't find it all that weird. but coming from watching a show like house, i can understand how it might be. also the decision the woman made i don't think that's completely out there either. either decision is the woman's choice no matter what that choice is. this is something she thought very deeply about and considered. i think while christina may not have understood her in the end, the journey of that portion of the episode did humanize her character a lot with her talk with burke you could see her feel helpless, wanting to do something to make everyone be okay in the end, and have the "solution" but she couldn't. overall, a very strong ep in my opinion.

Clay W

I can't be too harsh on your dislike for Meredith and Cristina, as I have a deep disdain for Derek. He's a fan favorite, but I still can't stand him to this day.


okay so I feel like I have to say this: if you don’t like the characters mixing personal and professional lives, you are watching the wrong show 😂 Meredith and Derek are pretty tame about that in comparison 😬


I think he will come around to Christina and Meredith once they get more depth as the show moves forward. As for Derek: I always liked him but ofc disagreed with his choices a lot of times.

emily ღ

i loved how he sided with christina this episode! to me that means a lot knowing that his dislike of her isn't clouding things and he can see her point of view as opposed to just writing her off as being too much or a pain. so i'm confident that as the show progresses and the characters are allowed to be more diminsional everyone can open up to them a bit more and soften towards them. this first season was a bit rough i'll admit lol but first seasons always seem to be.

emily ღ

oh yes! also there's realistic things about the drama (put a bunch of people together that don't and can't really have a life outside of work and see where the hook ups take place lol) but also them talking about it so openly isn't realistic but it is to push the story along. so while it's probably not realistic that mer and der talk so openly about things while at work, that's where the characters are centered so we get these conversations in some unusual places lol i always just try to shrug it off and pretend they're speaking softer than they are lol


I think in the beginning he thought she‘d be one-dimensional but oh boy christina is anything but.


I'm with you when it comes to the baby thing. I don't understand this woman's decision in the slightest. Your mother died of breast cancer, you have the same gene and may die, and yet you still want to have this baby, which not only could shorten your life, but you could also pass down the same gene to the baby, shortening theirs. How is that even a choice? How do you sentence your child to a life without their mother and a possible death sentence of their own? The reason I do not have and will never have biological children, a choice I made in my 20s, is because I do not want to pass down any of the horrible diseases (including breast cancer) or problems that my relatives have suffered from and/or died from. There are other reasons (there are enough people in this world; we don't need to bring in more), but that's the main one. It's common sense.