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emily ღ

i adore this episode. i love shawn's growth. he's always been a very compassionate guy but i loved how they wrote this. he's a "good guy" who genuinely thought he was being good to girls. he wasn't being creepy or trying to make them feel unsafe. but through this episode he learned that not everything has to be overt like that. it was such a lightbulb moment for him and a lesson i think a lot of guys could stand to learn from. just because you're not out there physically groping people doesn't mean you are off the hook. even just not listening or not knowing how to listen can be a problem. i'm glad we saw that growth with him. and i love topanga so much in this ep. watching back seeing her dynamic with shawn i really appreciate the friendship the two of them have as characters even outside of corey. and while i love corey yeah his antics can be a lot lol especially when you see them transposed with shawn and the depth of his character.

emily ღ

also i want to add as a 90s kid things felt like they were attempting to be more inclusive in a lot of media back then. even in home improvement - and we all know the person tim allan is and the problems that show had behind the scenes - there was a line that's always stuck out with me. the boys beat up a clown at a goofy restaurant. tim, exaspiratedly says, "what is it i've told you?" and i think it's brad or randy responds back emphatically "never hit ANYONE in make up" and it could be just a throw-away line but to me that's always stood out. in a time where Man's Men (TM) would and could get away with speaking hatefully and violently towards women and lgbt+ people, or anyone that they felt was "other" or "separate" from them (ie: anyone in makeup for example) and it was seen as something encouraged, that line always stuck out to me. home improvement was a very masculine-centric show. a very "straight man" show. so that line just really always stood out to me especially given the time it aired, which is close to the time BMW was airing as well.