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I Am Not Chamari

Penelope Garcia is the technical analyst, so she basically works magic lol The other characters whose names you didn't remember was Elle and Hotch. I think your instincts are right when you talk about how the show was edited and the cuts and choices they make. I had never seen anything like it. I do agree that we got more of the unsub, but I guess it goes along with his profile of keeping to himself. Although I do think the motive wasn't all interesting, just the method. I liked how we are slowly getting background info on the agent's specialties. Elle mentioned earlier that she specializes in sex crimes and now we know that Morgan is the bomb expert. And well, Reid is a genius at everything. I also love how they are showing us the rapport of the Morgan and Garcia relationship through the work they do. I thought that was a really special way to show the audience what kind of bond they have. Finally, I really like how we address Gideon's past trauma and guilt with this episode. Knowing that this is something that happened about a year ago and that he returned to the practice in the first episode with this looming over him... I loved that we got a smirk from him in the end, and although this was very messed up, I hope some weight lifted off of his shoulders.