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Hi Steven. Hope you feel better soon. First off. The way they portray Broyles is on purpose, for intrigue. And the fact that you keep thinking about it is proof that it is working. The frustration of not knowing should be a motivator to keep watching and digging which in my opinion, makes for good TV. Besides you need to (I don't know if that's the case but I kinda feel like it is) get out of the shall I put it like ''superhero shows'' mentality. Nothing is that clear cut in the real world (which despite this being a science-fiction show, it depicts real world very well) motivations are not that simple or black and white. Besides that, motivations change, good people can do shady things and vice versa. At this point we can only judge our characters as good or bad, just based on what we have seen, not anything else (and definitely not anything permanent, since, like I mentioned, motivations change). So Broyles if we were to judge him based on 6 episodes worth of seeing him, he doesn't appear to be completely bad, but he definintely has some secrets and obviously knows things that we (us or Olivia/Peter etc) don't. Otherwise I love this episode and cannot wait for the next one. I also noticed that you kinda miss some of the jokes in this show, because it has a somber and creepy vibe, I feel like you miss some of the funny stuff here, especially from Walter. If there is one thing I would like you to look out for, is the funny stuff that Walter keeps saying, like the off hand comments about food, or the funny way he keeps forgetting Astrid's name and other things as well. It's these little things which makes us love Walter so much. For example, the name for Astrid this episode was Astrix :)