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Another episode so soon! I love this season so much, Welcome to the new show, Pacey's Pond, enjoy.

Karen Úlfarsdóttir

The squeal I let out when I saw this email! Episode 19 is one of my all-time favourites of the entire show. I can't wait for it (let's be real, I can't wait for the rest of the season to play out)!


cannot wait for the rest of the season! Also not a surprise that you are liking Pacey a little more than Dawson. Pacey experiences more character development and growth that we see and Dawson stays the same for good or bad/better or worse. Dawson just stays the absolute same person he's always been. I am a fan of seeing characters grow and change because that's real to life so that is why I love Pacey as a character he is just a good guy who is constantly growing up.


Agree with your thoughts on Dawson calling Joey his soulmate. I don't really like it either because it implies that she belongs to him. That he has her there on standby his whole life. Even if they're with other people he still has her there if he wants. It just has a weird ownership vibe to it. They both should be allowed to build relationships with others without the weight of being soulmates keeping them from committing to other potential loves.


I feel like Joey woulda have said something opposite Pacey, she seemed like she was starting to maybe realize feelings herself and when Pacey spoke first, she seemed shocked somewhat by Pacey saying it was a mistake. And when she’s watching him leave and smiles, I see it like maybe Pacey opened her eyes and maybe she’s starting to see him as more.


Liking Pacey better than Dawson is very commonplace Brian. I dont know a single person who likes Dawson over Pacey. 😂😂


And with the rest of the episodes 20+, if someone is pro Dawson with how he acts, it’s a little concerning


agreed with that! I love how Brain was like hey listen thinking people might be upset. But we 100% understand. I think because he's the title character you are surprised to find he's the least engaging person on the show but once you realize that there is like no going back lol


truth. Pacey starts the episode sure about his feelings and ready to tell Dawson the questions it all at the end. Joey starts the episode questioning it all and then coming around to her feelings in the end.