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I think it's wild to say Haley is overreacting or not seeing why she's acting this way. She's been in this marriage alone for almost a year holding onto Nathan and Jaime. Then as they are slowly trying to reconnect there is Carrie. While you can argue the semantics of her kissing him he let it happen by flirting with her.


Did u notice that the picture of bevans son "Nathan" is the same pic tim showed the girls in the library of his son "Nathan" so bevan and Tim got married had a kid and got divorced lol

emily ღ

lmao i stopped watching this show after a point but that is some WILD oth lore omg. that's so bonkers!!


It's funny to see a Friends fan complain about Leyton when they are the show's Rosschel. 🦞 That was obvious from the pilot; you had to have known it would always play out this way (the constant back and forth). 😂 Now, I don't agree with many of Leyton's decisions this season, but knowing what was going on behind the scenes helps to explain why both of them were written this way at the time. I despise Mark Schwahn. Disgusting human being. 😩


Oh yeah the creepy boss just hated their guts. I am sadly not at all surprised that terrible person turned Peyton villainous this season.


Agreed. I mean they should communicate better but Haley being done is something I understand. Nathan really hasn’t been showing up in their marriage for some time now.


Next episode is the 100th episode 🥰

Jeremy Burch

Yeah, I was actually going to comment on that in this episode. I've thought for awhile that Mark Schwahn was purposely trying to write Peyton so badly because Hilarie would have to fight off his assaults and he didn't like that so he was trying to make people hate her, its the same thing I think he did with Rachel. Then after reading about Chad Michael Murray coming to Hilarie's defense and that Mark already hated Chad at that point and then would just hate him more, I figured that must be why he wrote them both so badly this season.


As bad as Victoria treated Brooke, she's still her mother so I completely understand Brooke being emotional about it. Honestly, I was in a similar position but with my marriage. He was treatinging me badly but I still loved him, or thought I loved him, and was upset over the idea of leaving. I finally did just like Brooke finally let Victoria go, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It hurts knowing someone you love can treat you that way. And know from what I've learned about trauma bonds, we live for those small moments of kindness so I understand Brooke even more now. You have to love yourself more than you love the other person, so it took a lot of work and courage for Brooke to finally do this.


Yes! I don't think a lot of people understand trauma bonds (and coercive control), but I wish more would learn about it. I am glad you survived that trauma and made it out the other side. It's not easy. 💜

Reginald Quadel Bell

4 months isn’t almost a year and he never flirted he even told her to stop I get he should’ve told Haley what Carrie was doing but divorce was a really big leap when you know the type of guy Nathan is I understand her being mad just not to this degree


So they couldn't have anticipated Victoria breaking into Brooke's house and being a bitch to Rachel, but they were really quite stupid for leaving thousands of dollars of cash lying around and accessible to someone who's barely just sober.


The writers wanting leyton to happen is not an excuse for it to happen


You do know marriage is a commitment you can’t just jump ship when there’s bad times especially when the good time out way the bad and he never did anything unforgivable

Mariella Nilsson

I think The point is that we know what nathan did and didn't do, because we saw it, but haley does not know anything for sure, except she found them in The shower.