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Fly on the Wall

I’m so happy you found a way to continue!

Molly C

I think Wade is just insecure about admitting he wants her now that George is actually an option to her. He also was kind of baiting her into a second round. give him a minute haha. if George wsan't in the kitchen when he saw her with George, I think he would have been acting much different and acting interested. but both the lavon and wade stuff needs to play out haha

Alexis Cardarella

Yeah, Wade definitely wants to be with Zoe, but he carries A LOT of insecurities about himself.. and because of that, he's deeply afraid of being rejected by her. So when he found out George was in the picture again, he went back to being jerk to her, because he thinks Zoe (at the end of the day) wants to be with someone like George, who in his eyes has his shit together and is well to do.

Zoe Hart

I don't think you can call his abandonment issues a flaw but the traits he has because of them, building up his wall, are. If you don't care, you can't get hurt. Or at least he pretends not to, but we all know he does, which is what makes him such an interesting character to root for.

Zoe Hart

In a nutshell, yes. If you don't try, you won't succeed but if you are convinced you will always fail, you never try or you take steps making sure you fail (consciously or unconsciously) - It's called self-sabotage - like what he did with the bank-lady in 2x21.


Yes, but when he acts out because of that wall — it becomes a character flaw. You can not want to get hurt and have emotional boundaries built up, that's fine. Fighting George Tucker on her front lawn because they both have this bro contest isn't what you do. Making Zoe feel like she half-ass at sex just because you want to bring her down a peg to bolster his confidence, that's not something you do. By all means, reject her and snub George. But the moment intentionally start hurting others it becomes something you need to work on as a character because this is a story lol

watahi katwai

I love this show, happy you continued. I'll send you season 3 also when we are done with season 2


Yea what everyone said about Wade. Its a defense mechanism. He finally got Zoe in bed and then she immediately kisses George and then she still cant decide who she wants to be with. He can't afford to put himself out there or be serious about anything involving Zoe because he knows that she will hurt him. Give it time, I actually really like how Wade and Zoe's relationship advances this season, but you just have to let it play out. I don't think I ever expected Lavon to go for Lemon at this point because she said I do and he knows that. I don't even know if I would say he was still into Lemon at the end of last season. Lemon's story this season is growing up and learning to be by herself. Lavon is a different story. I'm curious to see what you will think about how it plays out. Ruby is a polarizing character for sure, she's not my favorite for many reasons.

Zoe Hart

So exactly what I said about what is flaws and what is not!? Also he didn't bring her down to bolster his confidence. It shows you don't knowing his character. Not a fine moment of his, I agree but that wasn't the reason. Being a man myself, I understand his actions when faced with a, to him, no win situation. You bow out. But it isn't far fetched at all for Zoe to be B- in bed knowing her back story compared to Wade. She has been with 4 guys and he has been with what, 50+ girls. I do think we agree on him having to work on opening up to being hurt which is where the story is headed.