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So I saw a post recently that spoke about how we are not really a geek channel anymore becuase of the types of shows we have added.

This has sat with me for a few days and has me curious if that is how the community feels as a whole.

To me being a geek doesn’t mean you are geeking out about a specific genre but instead it means to geek out about anything. I’m someone who likes all kinds of different things and I created the channel with that name becuase I like to geek out about anything that I enjoy.

But if the community feels we are no longer doing that and that I have expanded and changed the channel to include different kinds of shows and it is not a good thing I would love to know.

I think the polls might have messed things up in a way for some of the originals that joined because once we open the gates to certain shows they requested and voted and those shows won.

I myself need to find the better balance to please as many as I can but I also need to understand I can’t please everyone.

We want people to geek out about anything you love no matter what.

It’s about the Genres and types of media you love and want to find a community that loves it as well.

That’s what it was always about.


Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I saw that comment too. I think I've seen that same person comment a few other times on gatekeeping the word "geek" and I've never understood that. I never in my life was ever into the traditional geeky stuff and I still don't watch Stargate, etc., but I certainly AM the biggest geek of the fandoms I love most. Supernatural literally owns my soul. Harry Potter fueled me as a kid. Gilmore Girls made me want to move into a tiny New England town. I've never made the connection between the name of the channel and being traditionally geeky so that comment confused the hell out of me. Seems like most people here agree. Geeking out over something can be geeking out over ANYTHING and I'm so very glad that this channel has so much variety that there's something here for everyone. It's the channel most worth it to be subscribed to. Don't listen to that one bitter comment and keep on doing what you're doing. I'm thrilled you guys love exploring and expanding beyond what you know because you've added shows that we love and even introduced us to shows we never even knew about. It's like I'm expanding my own repertoire of things I geek out over too lol

Mike Smith

I saw that comment and I would try not to fixate on it. 'Geeking out' to me just always means to get really excited and invested in something anything. Polls are the fairest way to do things. Things I like lose polls all the time. I could name a ton of shows that have never even appear on a poll that I think would be tons of fun and lead to great reactions but life isn't about always getting exactly what you want. Fair is fair and sometimes that means compromise. Making a big stink about it is just immature.

Molly C

I’m worried you’re overthinking the negative comments. I’m personally here because I’m a fan of your personalities and i like how you record your reactions and the ways you operate as a patreon. I may have come here for specific content and I obviously hope you’ll continue with shows that are a match but I’ve had times where I regularly watched lots of shows you were filming and times when I only had 1 or 2. I think it’s good to be balanced with the types of shows your doing and polls are great but at the end of the day your reactions are better when you’re loving the content so go with your gut too. Try not to be too critical of your channel! You’re doing so much for a lot of people ❤️


I agree with your definition of "geek". I think you are doing amazing. 💕


Completely get that everyone's definition of "geek" is different. I think a lot of us older people always think classic geek when we hear the word. And yeah, the newer stuff doesn't really "fit" with that image. However, I do get what you are saying about the meaning to YOU and that is perfectly acceptable! You said: >"I think the polls might have messed things up in a way for some of the originals that joined because once we open the gates to certain shows they requested and voted and those shows won." THIS. Yes. What happened was you added one or so of a certain type of show and the FLOOD GATES opened. The channel changed completely in a matter of about 3 months. So yeah, it leaves old members like me a bit off balance. I get that you need to do what you need to do for views and income. I get that the kids shows/Disney shows perform better. Of course they do...GenZ is probably on Patreon and YouTube way more than another other generation. It DOES bum me out. I love the channel and community here. I feel like I know a lot of people here just from seeing their names and comments for a long time. I'm hanging in there even though 90% of the content just isn't for me anymore. So...take that for what you will. So basically, I get it...I just am sad about it. Also wanted to add...I wasn't the one who posted that OG comment. I'm not sure why you even really asked this question Steven. Mainly because the patreons that are here, now, are obviously slanted to LOVE what you are doing. The ones that didn't...already bailed mostly. So you will only get a one-sided discussion on the subject. Sort of like the polls. Obviously it's impacted by the majority here. The majority here now LOVE the kids stuff etc, so they are not going to tell you it is unbalanced. However, to play devil's advocate with my entire side...the majority seem to love it so...I don't know what else to say about it other than that.


Noo, def wasn't you :D it's literally one other person leaving the same comment in multiple places, so it may have made it seem like more people say this kind of stuff. I think the guys are a bit worried because number of patrons have reduced in last few months. Well it goes up and down. I think most people they literally join for a show they like, and then leave once it finishes, they might even leave when they've just seen all the parts they like. Not everyone is interested in being a long time patron, that's just normal. It's normal for me too, literally all other channels I've supported, once they were done with the show I liked, I was out, this is the first channel I am a member of for quite a bit. Plus David leaving took a toll, some members were here for him only for sure. So I'm not sure if the guys see some patrons leave and think there is something wrong with the channel, there literally isn't. It's just some specific shows attract a wider audience, that's it, once they're done, so are the people.

Mariella Nilsson

For me, that has been here for some years now, I would say that The channel definatly feelt more geek then than now. Yes you can geek out on anything but in that case any reactions channel could be named that. It is not just The name it is The name and The pictures on the Wall and The shows back then that togheter gave some expectations on the name. However The changes to The channel doesn't have to be bad, you get a new audience, that may or may not be as loyal as The old ones. But IF you want to keep both The new ones and The old more tradotionally geek ones just make sure that replacing shows are done with The same audience in mind and thatmovie polls are done acording to genre ones in a while, with movies for that audience. I have to stress that you should watch what you want to and I love your reactions!


I don't think the persons problem was with the "geek"-ness of the shows. We all agree the definition is not very precise. I love your reactions and I'm here for a long time now so I too feel the change in genres. It's not necessarily a bad direction, I like a lot of the newer reactions but not because they are great shows / they are just some series I loved while growing up so I'll always re-watch them given the opportunity (eg. love/watch all the Disney channel stuff but not the Nickelodeon as I didn't grow up with those). For me, there are just type of series you want the people to watch for fun/make fun of/hatewatch (looot of the newer stuff), and then there are series/movies that you recommend so you can see others' thoughts about it and I think that's what the person was missing. I don't know about the person who left the comment, and I sure don't want to talk in anyone's place, but I came to love your channel for your blunt honesty, unique point of view and sometimes uncannily correct predictions. There is just a difference in reacting to Community and Modern family. One makes you think after you finished it, while the other switches your brain off but I don't think there is anything wrong with either - although I do have a personal preference as you can guess. I think, what pushes the "evolution" of reactions is the so called feedback based on which you are evaluating it on. I saw many many times in the comments that some people don't like to comment, rate the episode or even leave a like but they watch them. I also don't always leave these (sometimes I forget, or a I watch them later, from a phone - whatever) and I'm afraid that the reaction will slow down or stop - for a while - (It already happened with the Mentalist, AoS and It felt like I could have done more). I get that the dumber shows are more popular, get more feedback, I too have some guilty pleasure ones, but as I already mentioned I like the way you interpret the shows and sometimes it's like you're wasting time and energy rather then use it on shows that are really worth it. So, if you enjoy the show, watch it, if you don't, then don't - the number of likes shouldn't matter here on Patreon. Just don't drop a show that you enjoy if you think no one's watching it because that's what pissed of most of the people that have left. Also, and I promise this is the last thing I'll mention, Maybe try to do more genre focused poll (not just kid shows/everything else). You can't put True blood and Mindhunter/Fleabag in the same poll. One is a supernatural, romance show, the other is hardcore drama and the third is a British dark dramady. It's just not the same thing. The dramas won't get many votes, they never do. TL;DR watch the shows you like, not the ones that get the most interactions, and sometimes it's good for you to watch a serious series


you should do scary sundays and do a horror movie! in a darker lighting! it would be a vibe


Thanks Robke. I know I've kind of been pointing out some criticisms here lately and that kind of made me feel responsible for some of the negativity. That doesn't mean I don't love the reactions or community here. I think you're right. There has been a lot of fluctuations lately. Yeah, for sure David leaving impacted things. It felt like David left, taking a lot of the shows popular with older generations with him. Steven DID introduce a ton of new content, to his credit, but it was just all in one genre: kids. So I think that's why it felt like a weird shift. You're right though...I do think people come and go based solely on specific shows.


Exactly Mariella!! That's put so well and I think exactly what some of the criticisms about things have been about lately. It sums things up nicely.


All of this is spot on. Especially the genre comments. I think specific genres help A LOT. If you finish a show in a specific genre then try to replace it with another show in that genre if you want to keep the audience for it. Also be cognisant of adding new shows and what genres they fall into. Obviously if you added 6-7 procedurals all at once then the channel would feel tilted toward that.

Dave Lemmens

Being a "Geek" channel has nothing to do with the type of shows or movies you are watching in my opinion. It's more about being passionate about the shows and movies that your are watching, no matter what they are. A movie/show geek doesn't mind what they are wathing, just that they are watching something good that they enjoy. Having said that, you guys haven't been a geek channel for a long time. Not since I've been watching anyway. You guys are a commercial channel, as is evidenced by the fact you don't want to watch shows that can't be posted to Youtube, despite the fact Patrons are still willing to pay for it, and by the fact you stop watching shows when the views aren't high enough. A true geek channel would not care about that, and continue watching a show as long as there is a single person watching your reactions. I get why you do this. This channel and this Patreon is probably your main source of income by now, and I would probably do the same in your situation. But don't pretend to be something your not anymore. You are a commercial reaction channel, trying to get the highest revenue you can. You are not a "Geek" channel, except in name. And that is OK, just know what you are.

Fly on the Wall

I don’t think you need to sweat expanding. People can pick and choose which content they want to enjoy. No reason to downsize some content because not everyone enjoys it. If it expands your patrons and pleases some of the existing ones, it’s win win.

Mariella Nilsson

Well put Terri, and commenting honestly is never bad and your comments are always respecful.