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DJ Doena

What always bothered me the most about this episode is that Lex deliberately set up Simone - a known murderer - to expose Clark's secret but then takes her at her word and when Clark throws him around like a beach ball he assumes it's because "he's under her influence". That's some "idiot ball carrying" par excellence. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdiotBall

john segun doe

Yo ngl this ep was comedy. I get ur turn off with the lana and clark story line, personally im a clana lover and really like alot of about this episode in fact but i can empathize. I didn't much mind this ep tbh cuz it was interesting one. We see another stressor put upon the Clana relationship that wasnt clarks fault but nonethe less hurt lana deeply. She wants nothing more but to be intimate with clark only to then see him with another woman, the feelings of insurmountable insecurities & doubts about whether or not clark really loves her or if she's good enough for him must have intensified during/after this ep. Thats how i took when first watching it. You want these 2 to work out so much but now in this ep a stressor, a strain on the relationship by the name symone comes along and messes up all that progress.. Tragic.

john segun doe

Also i think Lana told Lex first cuz she knew he would empathize with her about the lies and secretive side of clark more than chloe and lois. And she wanted to vent to someone that would affirm her beliefs and perspective of clark at this point rather than someone like chloe and lois who wouldn't be so quick condemn clark

john segun doe

Yep, I don't think steven caught that but Lex setup the thing with simone for 2 reasons. To get info on clark and to cause a large rift and more problems between clark and Lana. The gradual turn of lex..


I have to disagree here because he doesn't suspect specifically what Clark's secret is (I.e. super human strength and other powers) and Simone did tell him that Clark is normal... so it's not too far fetched to believe the strength came from Simone.

DJ Doena

Well he should. After all, he already set him up in episode 5x2 to go against the laser vault and the three meteor freaks from Belle Reve. He also suspected this ever since he got the computer simulation with the car crash in season 1. Sure he's been "disproven" time and time again, but why should he trust anything that Simone tells him, especially when he then actually witnesses super-human strength?


I know. I'm just saying it's not impossible and it's not necessarily a plot hole.

Sonia Deepak

I agree Chloe saved the day in this one.

Daniel R

You hate these type of episodes? Well get used to them there's like 1 every season hahahaha