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smh they should’ve brought quinn back just to slap rachel again 🙄🙄 i could not stand her in this episode. like they have been nothing but supportive of rachel why couldn’t she be the same for santana? if santana went to steal her role i’d understand but bruh it’s the understudy. ughhhh but yeah this episode was an 8.5 for me!!! we’re 3 episodes away from my favorite episode this season🥲🥲🥲


It feels so weird, when he always slanders season 4 haha. Its my fav season, and even though i like season 5 (my other fav then 2,3 ,4) , i dont think its better then 4, since we also had really weird episodes like the twerk, and puppet master.


I love this Episode and the songs!! i love Santanas voice (Rachels kinda more though), but im not a big fan of her character. (General with mean girls on tv shows) Characters like her, are kinda triggering for me, since i also have a past with bullying and all that) Even though everyone has rough moments, when he isnt the nicest,cause he got triggered or something, just like all the characters on glee, she is just always mean for no reason .So when she just insults everyone all the time, i cant stand her that much. I am more on rachels side. still i think they are both in the wrong here.

Norma Reyes

Rachel will always be that person to only be a "good" friend if she is doing better. Time and time she centers everything to herself, its annoying how little growth shes had in that aspect.

Capri Zonica

This episode is one of the best since mid season 3, I'd say. The songs were great although I could've done with one less Artina duet in favor of another Santana/Rachel one because if someone can step on Rachel's toes is definitely Santana. The whole 3 last seasons should've been about them feuding and not bringing new people or wasting storylines to less talented people, (cough, Sam, cough). Too bad the show didn't realze that if someone could carry the show in her shoulders, that was Naya Rivera, or maybe they knew. The thing is that it goes downnhill from here, IMO.

I Am Not Chamari

Me with the unpopular opinions again! I understand why Rachel was upset. Santana is a person who has consistently shown her disdain for Broadway and showtunes and everything Rachel loves and respects. It's clear that Rachel has deep seated insecurities and needs to have something on her own to feel secure and her talent. And quite frankly, she's worked very hard to make it to this stage of her career. And then Santana can just waltz into her "arena", copy a previous performance of Rachel's and get immediate praise... Or at least, that's how Rachel sees it. Rachel is a classic gatekeeper, which is obviously not a good thing, but it also is driven by needing to be seen as excellent in one field. . And I genuinely don't think that Santana should have blindsided her at the audition. Like if she knew Rachel was going to be upset, surely this was worth a conversation beforehand? Sure, Rachel took it to the next level, but she was experiencing extreme emotion and betrayal, and I wish more people could see where Rachel was coming from.


I couldn't stand Rachel this episode. Rachel was always going to need an understudy so why wouldn't you want it to be your friend rather than some actress wanting to steal your job also Santana could cover for Rachel if Rachel has better opportunities that come her way while other understedies would likely steal her job. Even though Santana has the waitress job it is clear she wants a better job and being an understudy could lead to better opportunities. Yes Santana was a bully to Rachel in Seasons 1 and 2 but we've seen Santana and Rachel's frienship change from Season 3 to now. In reality we have slowly seen Rachel and Santana become good friends. Santana had been one of the few that supported Rachel wanting to get married to Finn, helped rig the prom results with Quinn so Rachel won Prom Queen, could tell Brody wasn't telling Rachel the truth, was there for Rachel during a pregnancy scare, etc. Yes Santana could've told Rachel she was auditioning for the understudy role but Rachel genuinely acted like Santana auditioned for the lead and that Santana became her co-lead. In reality Santana auditioned for the understudy role and it is possible Santana won't perform beyond rehearsals (assuming nothing happens with Rachel).

Veronica _R_T

I really enjoyed this episode. For me this episode starts off my love for the rest of this season. In terms of Rachel and Santana, I think if you stan Santana you will automatically think Rachel is wrong in all her actions and if you stan Rachel you will think the same about Santana. I think both characters have great charactersistics but I personally don't stan either but I do tend to like Santana a little more because she can be a bully but she never pretends as if she doesn't know that about herself. Rachel has done some awful things as well but she rarely takes responsibility for those things and often times plays victim. Either way the drama between them was understandable and enjoyable to watch.

leslie martin

i hate this drama! it's such a step back into both characters and really feed the "women can't be friend without jealousy" narrative.. it's not very popular but i'm team rachel and for most of the rachel/santana fights during the entire show, i'm team rachel. i just can't forget the part where santana was bullying rachel up to s3! then they became friends, which is nice, but in s4 she forced herself in the apartment and even tho they're supposed to be friends that's also the person who mocked you for a good part of high school that is in your house (for rachel AND kurt!) now in s5 they're friends, okay (and i love it) but if we look at the time in high school, the main problem was jealousy! santana was jealous of rachel and vice versa! although rachel never was the investigator, it was always the competition they put themselves in that was the cause of all their fights (i want the solo, i want this role, i want this guy...) so you're gonna tell me we're friends now, you're supposed to be happy for me, but you're gonna go audition behind my back to be my understudy? to me, it just screams insecurity and jealousy from santana's part! she voluntarily put herself back in competition against rachel when their relationship was the healthiest! on paper, there's no problem to santana auditioning, she's very talented, but doing it behind rachel's back is obviously the main problem! how cool is it to see your high school bully waiting for you to miss a night so she can have her moment of shine on stage.. (it's giving glee season 1-3 all over again)! it's not healthy at all! and to me, santana did this bc she's super insecure, she's been a waitress in NY for a season now, her friends are booked and busy in the industry they like, and she wanted to prove herself she could do something with her talent too, but stepping on your friend/roommate work and breaking their trust is not the way to do it! rachel was super nice to santana for a while now and santana knew it was bad to do it behind her back but she still did! also i'm not saying "don't rain on my parade" is only rachel's song but santana obviously knew what she was doing when singing this in front of her... and don't forget santana got the "idea" to audition just bc rachel said that "i'm a star now" line so it was obviously bc she was jealous and wanted to put her back in her place! rachel was always insecure, most of her insecurities were in high school bc of santana or quinn, and now that she's alright and is even friend with both of them, you're gonna be jealous about me? your friend?? team rachel all the way!


Personally I’m team Rachel, however I can also sympathies with Santana, she had every right to audition for Fanny, but she should of at least spoken to Rachel before hand, it was undermined of her. Rachel however should of handled it better. I imagine Rachel still somewhat holds onto how Santana treated her in high school, it was obvious Santana was one of Rachel biggest bullies and then to see your former bully audition to be the understudy of the one role you have spent your life working towards, I can’t imagine it was an easy Pill to swallow.


I like this storyline because it feels very true and nuanced. Both characters have evolved, but in this situation, they both expected the worst from each other and it led to them regressing to their high school selves and bringing out their own worst. I felt like Rachel was the most irrational in this because A) at the end of last season she was pushing Santana to make something of herself B) All of last season, we saw how much Santana fervently cared about and defended Rachel so I don't think it is fair to assume her main intention was to hurt her. and C) Unlike what Rachel says, the main role of an understudy is not at all to hope the lead doesn't go on. As a theatre person, Rachel should absolutely know that this is simply not true. I think we see pretty clearly in this episode how hurt Santana is that Rachel assumes she is doing this to spite her....eventually, I think that becomes true (based on how hurt she is by Rachel's reaction)...But I totally believe that Santana sought this out to quell her own insecurities and did it without telling Rachel because she assumed Rachel would, as she says, "torpedo" it. And she probably isn't wrong. lol. ...Was the way she did it petty and unnecessary AF? Absolutely.


Do we actually buy Santana's disdain for Broadway though? She makes Broadway references unsolicited, she starred in all of her high school productions (even after graduating), she already knew Rizzo's lines by heart when she took over that role last minute...I always figured that like with ballet, Santana secretly loved Broadway...and I figured Rachel knew that too. lol


I think this storyline is done well because they both had a point and they both also handled things terribly. And we as viewers can just see so clearly where the misunderstandings of intentions fall into place.

I Am Not Chamari

Good point! Honestly, no - I don't buy Santana's disdain for Broadway at all because at the end of the day, she loves to perform. I do think behavior and attitude matter though, and if she constantly puts that out there, I think it is reasonable for Rachel to assume that she doesn't have the same level of respect or reverence for Broadway that Rachel does. I think that is heavily playing a role in the way Rachel is reacting to this. And that's why I'm not too sure that someone as self-centered and cagey about Broadway as Rachel, would actually believe that Santana secretly loves Broadway. She is, after all, assuming the actual worst of Santana here.


What's so fascinating about this storyline is that the entire conflict happens because they both assume the worst of each other...Santana is genuinely interested in this opportunity but she assumes Rachel will revert back to her high school send-them-to-a-crackhouse ways of sabotaging it if she tells her she wants to audition. Rachel, knowing that she would not do that, doesn't understand why Santana would go behind her back and assumes it is because Santana is reverting back to *her* high school days of trying to ruin Rachel's life. Santana is still Santana, so if she is going to do it without telling Rachel, she is of course going to be petty about it, but I think she genuinely thought they would laugh about it later. Once Rachel reacted the way she did, all of Santana's hurt feelings and insecurities come to the surface and then she really does want to say something to hurt Rachel. It's a mess. But it's good TV.

Sofie K.

"Team Rachel" all the way! 1: Santana did it behind Rachel's back KNOWINGLY that it would make her upset. She should have spoken with Rachel about it beforehand, like real mature friends would do. 2: Don't rain on my parade. This is not Rachel's song, however it is very special to her. Being it is a song from the musical that Santana is auditioning for it is fair that she chose this song. HOWEVER she didn't just chose that song, she chose to COPY Rachel's performance. That is not a performance Santana have seen anywhere else than from Rachel. the "Hat sir" etc. 3: Santana has shown zero interest in Broadway (she has actually made fun of Rachel loving broadway) but all of a suddon she wants to audition.Whereas Rachel has dreamt about broadway and worked all her life for that one purpose. 4: Santana did ONLY audition for this specific musical. There are tons of other plays and so on that she could have auditioned for aswell. But when she only chose this one she made it personal. And not in a "we are friends so it's gonna be so much fun to spend time together"-way, which could have been a sweet reason (that a conversation beforehand would've suggest) 5: Rachel and Santana were finally getting along. It seemed that Rachel were beginning to trust Santana. During the whole pregnancy-scare they really bonded. But blindsiting Rachel like this of course she is going to be paranoid. 6: Rachel didn't see her succes as "such sweet revenge" that was so unfair to claim that. It speeks a lot more of Santana's own feelings of Rachel's succes. 7: Santana immediatly goes on trashtalking Rachel and making claims of what Rachel would say/feel without giving the chance to have an actual conversation. 8: Santana was so mean with what she said! (Rachel said bad things aswell, I know! But being mean is Santana's speciality) 9: First day on the job and Santana is already "out to get her". She goes in to Rachel's fitting room. So petty... I don't aprove of Rachel slapping Santana, but even though she may be irrational about the understudy's role in the industry, I completely 100% understand Rachel's reaction. From Rachel's point of view you could say that Santana dedicated most of high school to make fun of Rachel and hating on her everytime she got a solo. So now that Rachel has gotten a lead in a musical and Santana auditioning for Rachel's personal understudy Rachel would go back to her high-school feelings of low self esteem and being afraid that Santana is trying to sabotage her. Especially because she didn't tell her beforehand. To reasure her, that she isn't trying to destroy Rachel's carreer. Like Rachel said, she now expects Santana to try and push her down the stairs to "take" the role from her. That is NOT what Santana plans (at least I hope not) but because she didn't talked with her beforehand or oven trying to reasure her afterwards Rachel thinks that. Rachel's being a bit unfair with her whole speech in the appartment at the end, but see how she's hurting. She feels so betrayed. I just wanted to give her a hug. She's not whining! She's heartbroken.

Sofie K.

Another great reaction! I really appreciate that you are not afraid of saying what you think! Even though in this episode I disagree hard with your opinions, but that's also fun to hear different sides of thing! I've stated my opinion on the whole Rachel-Santana-fued above, but I'm NOT trying to change yours or anyone elses opinions! I just wanted to share how I view the situation. And I like reading the comments to see other views. It's very interesting. Hopefully people won't blame you/each other for having a difference of opinion. What a great episode - with such talent! Great songs by Naya and Lea, beautifully sung and acted. Two great performers!

Capri Zonica

Exactly! She can´t have any real friends. She's always using everybody for her own selfish purposes. She's supposed to be the lead protagonist but I don't really care if she achieves her goals because she most likely will one way or another, most of the times by throwing a tantrum than by actually working for it. That's why it's easier to root for anyone else, like Santana in this case. She's the antihero that could be redeemed and it'd be so interesting to see her through that journey instead of Rachel always getting what she wants with the minimum effort onscreen.

Mark Wood

Actually I love the conflict in this episode between Santana and Rachel because it fits with both characters and how the act and plays on their history. Rachel has every reason to feel the way she feels, and based off of three years experience with Santana those feelings are rational. But (and its a big but) her behavior about those feelings are where she is out of line. Consistent with her character, as her ambition has typically been her biggest character fault from day one on the show, but still inappropriate. While thanks to this year of the show being split between two seasons it feels like they have been "friends and roommates" for a significant amount of time, its actually been very little. Roughly from Valentine's towards sometime getting close to May. And almost all of their high school interactions have been as adversary, with in most cases Santana being the adversarial one (though not always, just more often). From being a factor in breaking up her relationships (once doing it deliberately to spite her), to working directly against the Glee club on multiple occasions (something that Rachel would see as a personal assault on her). To the nearly unending insults and barbs that Santana uses towards so many. And the one really nice thing Santana did to for her (in school), is something she has no knowledge of occurring. She moves herself into their space, without so much of a by your leave, she invades her privacy with abandon, ect. Not to mentionable the times she has deliberately screwed with other Glee members personal life (working to break up Finn and Quinn, Quinn and Sam, to breaking up Artie and Brittany, and the various assaults she has had against multiple members of the Glee Club, and the numerous insults to all of them. And Rachel is no Angel , by any stretch, but she doesn't approach the level of bad behavior that Santana did to her, back at Santana during School. But while that does give her the right to be fearful and distrustful of her and her motivations how she handled it wasn't. And that's a huge part of her own character flaws. But also consistent to how she gets when she feels threatened. Now for myself if I would hope if someone I knew was working on their literally dream career and I knew how much I had screwed with them for years, I would certainly hope to give them some notice (but it isn't required). Now if this was a dream of Santana's (it isn't) I could see her saying this is my dream I am not going to let the possible ramification stop me. But it isn't her dream (at least specifically, she has never had a desire to make it on broadway). But Santana does absolutely have every right to tryout for any job she wishes. But how she approaches it, also shows her character and her lack of sensitivity to most others. Again true to her character and history as well. So conflict that feels organic to the situation, the characters, and their history. Works for me.