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Leonard Atkins jr

thats 100% bonnie she had a horrible childhood

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Ahh, God. Bonnie rips my heart out. Oh, man.

Veronica _R_T

I love season 1 because I had never seen a show like this before and it was riveting. But I can agree that season 2 has such a bigger impact because we know the characters so much more. I understand why you would think this was a ploy Annalise would use to save Bonnie but she told Asher the truth. Bonnie's story is one that is so heartbreaking to me and add that to the complicated relationship she has with Annalise and it tugs at the soul. Her childhood and her relationship with Annalise will continue to play such a huge part in every decision Bonnie makes throughout this series.


I totally agree, S2 has somehow managed to be even better than S1. And everybody LOVED S1. It's just that we get to dive deeper into the characters as well and in S1 we were just getting to know them. You just have even more questions. Why is Bonnie's and Annalise's relationship the way it is? Why would Frank do so much illegal shit for Annalise without even blinking? Why do Michaela and Connor look away from the potential murdered body of Rebecca but Laurel and Wes don't? What the heck happened that Asher was willing to throw Annalise under the bus for it? Not to mention the flash-forwards which provide us with even more questions. It's just really, really good tv you're watching right here. This entire cast and its writers are insanely talened.


yeah that is definitely bonnie. how else would annalise come up with this? also it showed the evidence number of a case so asher could easily look it up and figure out that annalise played him.

leslie martin

Annalise is out here sleeping with a married man whose wife is dying, meeting her and saying "no" to one of her final wish, and now breaking the trust of someone that is on their dead bed (telling everything to Nate)... i'd be scared of bad karma