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I always thought you being so against the Deb & Dexter romance angle was so weird and gross.... Yet you seem fine with Barry and Iris? Literally the same situation 2 people growing up together but no blood relation at all. Is it easier to distinguish them as not being related due to being different race?


I also liked the episode a lot. This is the boiling point of all we've been seeing with the Hannah storyline from the previous season. The change that she brought on Dexter. And i have to say that for this episode it was very satisfying to see Dexter, mature and grow into a person who can do this. Loved the emotion between Dexter, Deb and the rest of the guys. All in all a very good episode. Oh an regarding the above comment why would you think it was gross Stephen being against the Deb and Dexter romance? I agree 200% with him. You could say that you disagreed with it, but gross?? Come on dude, poor choice of words.

J Scott Page

Sylvia said after Miguel, she downsized and focused on the kids... What kids? She and Miguel never had any. A small gripe I guess but kinda feels like the writer's couldn't be bothered to go back and check the previous seasons for continuity's sake. Only way the line would work is if she was talking about Ramon's kids, but that feels like a stretch in that context.