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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

The fact that the ep starts with Penny killing spiders for the boys, and the convo makes it clear that it’s a regular thing, shows that she has settled in with them, she does have an actual place in their friend group. They may do more technical things for her, like setting up a printer, but she does do things for them. Even previously, driving Sheldon around, taking care of him when he’s sick. And the fact that she knows about deflector shields shows that she’s actually siting down and watching those tv shows with the boys too.

Mariella Nilsson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:12:00 Agree, this episode is so good!
2021-07-01 03:45:35 Agree, this episode is so good!

Agree, this episode is so good!