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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rancel W Heredia

Yep that's abraham from the walking dead and the woman in the trunk is Megan's mother

Basit (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:12:01 An apology wasn't necessary, but I am glad you saw things from our perspective. I really enjoy your reactions to this show which happens to be my top 5 shows and Freaks & Geeks.
2021-07-01 03:05:39 An apology wasn't necessary, but I am glad you saw things from our perspective. I really enjoy your reactions to this show which happens to be my top 5 shows and Freaks & Geeks.

An apology wasn't necessary, but I am glad you saw things from our perspective. I really enjoy your reactions to this show which happens to be my top 5 shows and Freaks & Geeks.


I mistakenly grabbed some snacks thinking something that I was waiting for was gonna happen in this episode but I think I miscalculated. In my defense, I haven't watched 24 in years. PS: yeap that woman was Megan's mother.