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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Merissa Childress

well its season 2 and you're going to be on a longggggggg ride! all ill say is that penny is younger than the guys. i don't want to spoil anything about penny's personality arch but just understand this is who she is and doesn't mature until much later in the show. her father also wanted a son so think of a 22 year old male they don't always make the best decisions


Although it's never outright addressed, it's pretty clear after a while that Sheldon is somewhere on the autism spectrum, very high functioning, but not always great at picking up on social cues and understanding other people's emotions He view other people from an intellectual perspective (like they're parts of equations or scientific experiments) because that makes sense to him. So, while he can be very selfish and petty about superficial things, he does know that being evicted or not having power would be very bad for Penny and that he makes more money than he needs for his basic expenses, so therefore it's logical to him to share freely because, despite his lack of social understanding, he does care about his friends and their fundamental well being. Penny is very naive at this point in the series. I think she truly didn't think that Leonard would have approached Kurt and so actually believe Kurt's BS. While part of me wishes she'd figure it out, I also would be concerned that she'd be angry with Leonard for interfering if she knew what he did, so I think Leonard was wise to keep quiet and let her figure things out in her own time. I also don't think she realizes that Leonard still actually likes her as much as he does at this point. She thinks that he's her friend who used to have a crush on her, but since their date didn't go well, he's over it too. That's why she teases him. She and Sheldon have the biggest growth arcs over the course of the series out of this core group and it's still very early in the overall story.

Melonie Mitchell

Penny is really immature when it comes to romantic relationships. In this case she really is just naive enough to take Kurt at face value. She has not yet learned to see beyond those gestures and words to the actions yet. I agree she has not always treated Leonard right but he didn't tell her he went to see Kurt either. With the information she know for sure a date with Kurt is not unreasonable.