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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Jessica was recruited when Rittenhouse went back and saved her brother. In the original timeline her body was found and she was definitely dead.


Yeah, so I think they had to rush and finish with the Lucy/Wyatt thing because the show was forced to end early. I think originally they were setting it up so that she ended up with Flynn. It makes the most sense when you go back and watch from the beginning and see what Flynn says to Lucy. You can tell he's read the journal and knows they are supposed to end up together. It's there in the things he says to her and how he treats her. I think the fact that the show ended early and that the only relationship they really had a chance to develop forced them to fall back on Lucy/Wyatt. I was super bummed because I thought Lucy and Flynn made more sense. Lucy had started to move away from Wyatt and clearly had started developing feelings for Flynn. I don't think realistically she could have forgotten that Wyatt chose Jessica when it came down to it. He had his shot with Lucy and he chose Jessica. The scene where she goes back and gives him the journal is what happened in the timeline before the show for Flynn. Lucy is the one that gave him the journal and sent him on the mission in the first place. So it was post-show Lucy giving the journal to pre-show Flynn. So Flynn is dead because he went back and died in the past. That Flynn in the bar is one that is from an earlier timeline before the series even started. Technically...Lucy giving him that journal would put Flynn on the path to dying. Had she not chosen to go back in time and give him the journal...they wouldn't have ever changed the world and Flynn would still be alive, but they also never would have stopped written house.


I personally like Wyatt and Lucy. It never feels forced to me and I think the whole arc with Jessica is interesting.


Same. They have great chemistry and it's also hard to blame Wyatt for choosing his wife over Lucy even if he didn't really want to.


I still think Lucy and Wyatt may have been their plan all along, but would have maybe had them getting back together more gradually than the way they were forced to with this ending.