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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Teen Wolf Season 1



Teen Wolf Season 2






U missed after Stiles asked if the vault could be opened by anyone’s claws, Scott gave a slight gesture telling Stiles no. It can only be opened by A Hale’s claws. Which is why Malia had to open it, not because Scott couldn’t control it.


Yes so as Owen stated, only Hale’s can open that vault which is why they had Malia do it but played it off as that Scott doesn’t have his powers

Laugh Data

The students were the only ones getting infected because the virus was spread thru the black ink they used to fingerprint their tests. Coach used the black ink when his red ink had apparently run out; which is why he was the only adult to get sick.

Stefan Davis

I said this before this season was first season where I had to watch a couple of episodes twice because some of the stuff was a bit confusing which is why at first this season wasn’t ranked as high but this season is a lot better than I remembered it to be....I’ve always like the benefactor plot though

Nan A

I love this season so much because even if it’s your tenth time watching you pick up something new..

Crystal Laherrere

As others stated only Hales can open the Hale Vault. It’s why Kate did whatever she did to Derek to de-age him so he would trust her and bring her to the vault. She wanted the triskalion to help control her shifting but couldn’t get it without Dereks help. It’s brought back up here which is good that they kept up that continuity.