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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

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Season 5






I feel like you have been asking for ages for them to dive into dawns issues every time u randomly see her stealing things and here we get a whole episode dedicated to how lonely and sad she is and why she's been stealing and you wanted them to dive into all the other characters lol but that's ok I'm excited for you to get to end part of this season...this season isn't my fave but I do love the last part of it..so that's exciting :) still hanging out for haunting of hill house lol 👏👏👏

Mattisen Walter

Spike actually doesn't know Halfrek intimately. Do you remember in Fool for Love, Spike (William) read poetry to a girl he had a crush on and her rejecting him? That was Halfrek! Very subtle connection there but they used the same actress and everything.


You've been begging for more character development and exploring more details regarding Dawn's stealing. You get it and you rather we had more of a throw away demon lol ok. I'm curious what you wanted from Anya's panick attack. Like she had an attack and then she was snapped back into reality when she discoveres Dawn's betrayal. I'm not sure what interesting story plot needs to be explored through her panick attack so I kinda wish (*looks around for a "Justice Demon" just in case) you would elaborate on what you feel was missed.

s jaco

Dawn is so lonely, and it's not till now, that we're stuck in Quarantine and Lockdowns that I can understand her energy. Loneliness can cause a whole lot of anxiety, frustration and stress. And I got a taste of it myself earlier in this year.

Vicky N

I liked this episode. As usual Buffy’s birthday is celebrated with high emotions and drama. This one, compared to the previous ones is tame: - season 2 surprise/innocence Angelus is here and breaks Buffy’s heart - season 3 Helpless the Watcher council submit Buffy to the Cruciamentum and she is betrayed by Giles - season 4 A new man Giles is turned into a demon by Ethan Rayne - season 5 Blood ties, Dawn finds out about herself and Asian this episode and exactly the same way she screams her infamous “get out GET OUT GET OUUUT”. I like everything that has to do with Tara in this episode, her initial awkwardness with Willow, her sassiness with Spike, her standing her ground with Anya. Speaking of Anya, I agree that her reaction to being trapped in the house was a little bit forced. You seemed confused about a lot of things while watching this episode. Maybe because you don’t care for or don’t like what’s happening in this season or to the characters, you obviously pay less attention and miss, misremember or don’t remember what is being said, sometime in the same episode. And therefore you end up not liking a storyline or an episode. It’s a mix between vicious circle and self fulfilling prophecy. Granted, it’s not easy to get everything on first watch, but they go to great lengths to clue the viewers in during the “previously “. They showed the poker scene with the “loose skinned” demon so that when he shows up with Spike you should remember him immediately. They showed the introduction of Halfrek in full vengeance demon mode, a former colleague of Anya, so that when she is revealed outside of Buffy’s house to be the guidance counselor that Dawn was talking to earlier, you immediately get what happened. The one thing I understand to be con confusing if you’re not an English literature expert, is the title of the episode. It’s from a quote from a novel which was alluded by the teacher in the classroom scene. As usual in BTVS when there’s a lecture scene in the classroom it’s always relevant to the episode. I had to look it up, the book is about a young British boy in Shangai during WW2 being separated from his parents and having to fend for himself.

Ida Eriksson

The thing that stands out for me in this episode is actually Tara. Besides "Family" there isn't many Tara-centric episodes. And we don't get it here either, but we get something that is lacking. Tara being around the gang and really speaking her mind. The scenes with her and Spike are some of the funniest in the episode. The scenes with her and Willow are some of the most intense emotionally and the scenes with her and Buffy just seems so comfortable and easy after the secret is revealed. Its a good episode when it comes to show of Taras strenght and personality.

Stephanie Bedworth

Aw, yes. Empire of the Sun. That's a good book and there's a good movie that was based on that starring a very young Christian Bale.

Mariella Nilsson

Buffy is allot of things, but she is not very maternal, and she has spent time with spike when she could have been with dawn. She is not a very good substitute for a mom so I understand dawn feeling not loved or prioritised.

Mariella Nilsson

i 100% agree about the spike and Buffy thing. Now spike is annoying, creepy and not Even funny anymore!


I'm completely with you on Spike and Buffy. They're the main reason I generally find this season a struggle to rewatch.

Alexis Cardarella

I sympathize with Dawn, I really do. She's a teenager, and she's already had several traumas, and she's got a group of people in their early 20s watching over her, all pretty distracted with their own shit. Especially her primary caregiver, Buffy, who is severely depressed. She also can't exactly bring whoever she wants into her life considering how weird and dangerous her personal life is. That said.. I thought the main plot was a little lackluster. Didn't quite care for how it was executed. The Buffy and Spike bits were funny at times, but so uncomfortable for me, because it's so fucking toxic.


Yeah. And the sex scenes could def have been implied rather than shown. Get the feeling the graphically degrading nature of this season towards Buffy was Joss' way of saying "F*ck You" to SMG, as he's prone to pulling such stunts against his female actors when they "don't act grateful enough" to him or put his show above all else (see: what happened to Charisma Carpenter after she got pregnant)...and I know there was a bit of tension between him and Sarah at this point in the series.

Leora Nechama

I like the idea of a guidance counselor vengeance demon. Can we have a Child Protective Services vengeance demon?