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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Teen Wolf Season 1



Teen Wolf Season 2





Lamberto Limon

The home were the bodies were found are at Sean’s. Him and his family are Wendigos that’s why they had all the bodies hidden in their home. The characters on The Mute’s computer and in Lydia’s notebook look like a cypher. But a cypher for what?


Liam! 💚 and this is where season 4 starts. Get ready for mind blowing plot twists! 😍

Nan A

Lets gooo!!! For me a new different era of Teen Wolf starts with this episode..

Crystal Laherrere

The doctor is Liams step dad. Liam was telling Scott how his step dad played lacrosse and taught him and when they are talking in the hospital it’s on a very personal level and then doc says “your mom will be angry” or something like that so we can just assume that’s the step dad he was talking about. Liam does seem to have guilt over something so there is probably more to that story.


LIAM! I love deputy Parrish :)


Yeah, they don't touch too much on Sean and him being a wendigo, yes, he was already one when the episode opens and his entire family were also wendigos. Wendigos ware creatures who have insatiable hunger and not only do they feed on people, but they try to cannibalize others as well....which is why they had all those bodies in their meat locker. The Mute is just so cool lol. The second I saw him the first time, I was like "YES. AWESOME." He wasn't saying for Sean to join him and fight, but to actually try to fight for his life (unlike his family who he killed while he was sleeping). Smart for him to run instead, but...ended up with the same fate. You'll definitely find out more about that weird coding both on The Mute's computer and in Lydia's notes very soon This episode's the true start of the season for me. You have your new character(s), new lure, etc, so I'm excited for you to see the rest of the season unfold.


I'll definitely continue along, but like others said...this episode kind of starts a new Teen Wolf. I prefer the previous seasons a lot more just because I like the cast better. Anyway, we'll see what you think as time goes on! People are kind of split on it though. A lot of people prefer the second half of Teen Wolf rather than the first.


I said aloud, "oh is this the season with Lia--oh, yep, there's Liam."


No Dropbox link 😫

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

*Crazy chase/murder scene happens on screen.* David: (intense look on his face) *sings* It's alright cuz I'm saved by the bell. When I tell you I laughed...