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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Season 1



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Season 3






I love this episode to much.


I love the ending. Just seeing the girls having this emotional moment was interesting and really good acting. I completely get where Lorelai is coming from when it comes to Sookie.


I just love when we see the girls struggle, bc yes they are highly successful and smart women , but not everything can be smooth sailing for them either. I agree with Lorelai, she was already taking all the meetings alone and was counting on Sookie for just one thing that is her territory anyways. Yes, Sookie said that she is not the planner of them two and she just had a kid, but you can't erase yourself from all the business side when you are part-owner of the Inn. She needed to at least take the things off of Lorelai's shoulders that are her concerning her own kitchen. I don't think Lorelai was asking for much here. As for Rory, I get that she is very ambitious, but dropping one class is not the end of the world. She is in Yale. She will have a successful career afterwards and isn't it better to ace your classes than to only be so-so but have one more?

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I agree with Lorelai, too. I'm glad that the contractors are nice to Lorelai & Co. 'cuz it would be a whole different kind of hell if they weren't but speaking as someone who just had to handle a renovation by myself, the financial aspect and all the decision making can kill a girl. It sucks that Sookie can be so flaky sometimes, especially when it's for Sookie's kitchen. The ending was really amazing emotional-wise. For some reason, this was only my 2nd time seeing this episode. I think I just hated seeing Lorelai and Rory fail the 1st time I watched it but now that I'm older, I can appreciate how real it is. I also get Rory's breakdown. She wants to live up to her grandpa's standard and she knows he'd be disappointed even if he tries to hide it for her sake. She's also trying to live up to her own standards. I just feel like Rory always sets too high standards for herself and then gets super disappointed in herself when she falls short, but that's just me. I like Rory and Dean as friends too - JUST FRIENDS. I'm not into cheaters so it's a pretty big thing that they avoided here.


Okay I check the Gilmore Girls updates RELIGIOUSLY! How the hell did I manage to miss this upload?