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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Teen Wolf Season 1



Teen Wolf Season 2





Jayden Jones

Haven’t watched the reaction yet cuz I’m not prepared for the emotional moment.


Tyler is a good actor in my opinion. I mean Crystal was freaking amazing in her scene, but I think Tyler held his own.


Not to be coldhearted, but the allison death didn’t really make me emotional at all. Probably because i never really cared much for her. She was too boring for me. And i think the forced romance between her and scott from the beginning is what made me not care much for her. It’s horrible to say, but i was glad she was gone from the show. I mean it is unfortunate how she left, but i was glad her character was gone really.


“she’s gonna live with this forever.” she dies 30 seconds later😂😂


Guess we’re not getting that second episode. 😂😂


I felt neither here or there for Allison but I was still sad she died because her character had so much more potential. She was the only one who was a fighter and still human and her story with Isaac was cute enough for me and didn't feel forced, which is why I'm a little upset that they just discredited every emotions she and Isaac shared when she died. And, I don't think this is a spoiler but spoiler ahead just in case, we never got a main character that was like her again in the sense of being someone skilled and trained and in the pack while still being human and useful. Because no matter what, Allison was useful and was there for people and counterbalanced Stiles as another human who instead of being the brain was the brawn.

Stefan Davis

In my head I was like damn he don’t even know what’s about to happen🤣🤣🤣


I always cry when i see that scene. Every single time 😅I feel like her character had such potential and i was kinda hoping her and Scott would get back together at some point. I actually liked Tyler/Scotts acting in that scene :)

Nan A

Same. I think its just his face. He has that very stable and neutral kind of face so when he shows emotions it kinda looks silly.. doesn't make him a bad actor..

Nan A

Unpopular opinion but I low key I love Season 4 almost as much as season 3..so can't wait.. It is so unique with the new things it introduces..mindblowing..


In season 2 when Allison and Scott were sneaking around after her dad found out he was a werewolf, Scott would always leave messages in the condensation on her window. I think maybe that's why she thought to check if Lydia left a message on the window.


Can’t wait for season 4! Really underrated season in my opinion :)

s jaco

Ah, Allison, it was definitely shocking for me, but I only just started to like her this half season. I will say I loved Allison with Isaac and it's a huge ship of me when it comes to show. So I will miss the ship a lot, as they had great potential. But I think the actors (Daniel and Crystal) were already broken up by this point, so a future for them, wasn't that likely anyway.