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Glee Season 1



Glee Season 2





Mrs Payne

Sam singing, looking at Blaine: She was good you know what I mean Blaine: *is gay* 😂😂 IDK if he does Sam


Just watch season 4 (trying to hint without spoiling 😉)

Dana (Dah-Nah)

wait I never noticed Samcedes looking at each other during 'Without You'.. and now I'm thinking of Amber singing it on the Terrell Show


that scene about finns father is so crazy since cory passed the same way:/

Tyler Browne

Summer Nights was actually filmed at the real school where Grease was filmed


You said at the end of your review that it might be an unpopular opinion that you like Season 3 a slight more than Season 2 and you have said before that Season 1 is your favorite I don't think that is an unpopular opinion. For many Glee fans usually 1 of the first 3 seasons is their favorite season of Glee but everybody favorites is different (For me if I had to rate the first 3 Seasons it would be 1)Season 3 2)Season 2 3) Season 1). To me Season 1 is a good first season but at the same time it almost feels like Glee hasn't officially become Glee yet because so many characters were just background characters Season 2 really gives storylines to more characters (most notably Brittany and Santana became main characters instead of just being background characters so we see their relationship get addressed/we see Santana struggling to come to terms with her sexuality plus we also have the characters of Sam and Blaine introduced). Season 3 is my favorite season (of the first 3 season but also of the entire series) and I feel that way for a few reason. The musical performances are great because it feels like Glee finally pushes into the fact they are a musical series (not that they didn't do it before this season but it feels like it is more "in your face" this season) so even if some of the performances are "extra" we see some great performances (With Season 3 you can really see how the Glee Club members have grown as performers). Additionally I think relationship-wise it is good to see that we have multiple couples and throughout this season there isn't that much drama that happens with any of the couples (Yes there are some drama moments but they are actually small things when you compare them to all the other seasons of Glee). Also Season 3 has some completeness to it that Season 1 and Season 2 don't have in my opinion. When Season 1 ends we know the Glee club is coming back for another year but you are kind of left wondering what that means for the Glee Club like are other Glee Club members going to be showcased more and there is a lack of completion for some storylines (such as the Quinn, Puck, Beth, and Shelby storyline). When Season 2 ends some storylines aren't finished because we know Glee is going to be back for another year. So Season 3 really addresses storylines from both Season 1 and Season 2 (We see Quinn and Puck with Beth, we have the completion of Santana's coming out storyline/we see her relationship with Brittany, we see more of Kurt and Blaine's relationship, we see Finn and Rachel's relationship lasting longer than it did in the previous 2 seasons, etc.). Also since many of the Glee Club members are Seniors this is the last season where we see the Glee club in the same capacity as they have been shown from Season 1 through Season 3 (won't spoil any specific storylines but will just say some characters that are Seniors this year will appear in a different capacity for Seasons 4 through 6).


For me, season 3 was the best season too. It's hard to judge Glee bc it goes way too far sometimes and has some really questionable storylines and jokes, but it is very entertaining and every time they focus on the heart of Glee which is their unity amongst each other and finding your way through music it is absolutely amazing. That's why this episode is a 10 for me too.

I Am Not Chamari

Season 3 is also my favorite season! I don’t necessarily think it’s an unpopular opinion :)

Clay W

It's not, most fans are divided between seasons two and three as their favorites.


Season 3 is absolutely better than S2, imo. The only real low point I find in this season was the Quinn/Puck/Shelby thing, but they mercifully nipped that in the bud pretty quickly. S2 had a few more low points for me.


Season 2 is the best season I think objectively. It had the best ratings, awards, it was when glee was most successful. But it’s definitely understandable why 1 or 3 would be others favorites. I think every season has something special. 1 is the funniest, 2 has the best individual character arcs and development 3 is best for the club as a group and their friendships. The reason 2 edges out 3 for me is that the even though other characters got a chance to shine, it’s very short lived. 3 is verrry Finn and Rachel heavy to a point that is unnecessary. Season 2 felt more balanced imo. The first 2 seasons are also the only seasons exclusively written by the creators of the show. I felt like the writing really took a dive when they hired a writing staff.


They also drew that storyline from cory’s real life. He had the same issue with his father

Nate Perkins

Me with the fave season of 5a but if that doesn't count than season 4 is my fave

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

It’s so gut wrenching to hear about Finn’s dad when we know that’s how Cory died. I’m still not over his death.