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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Doctor Who Season 1


Doctor Who Season 2


Doctor Who Season 3


Doctor Who Season 4


Doctor Who Season 5



Doctor Who Season 6




Doctor Who Specials



Nikita Pascari

One of my favourite Dalek episodes, they are not my top villains though. I really loved the banter between 12 and Clara, the new Doctor is kinda cold and rude yet he made me laugh out loud multiple times which is clever writing from Moffat.


I think the attitude at the beginning was just people making assumptions about him because he is a soldier and attractive.


You didn’t catch it but a 9th doctor episode called “Dalek” // there’s a confrontation between him and Dalek he’s standing out in the rain and and the 9th doctor tells him you’re going to get “Rusty.” The doctor tells the dalek that he’s everything he despises and he just just go a head and finish the job, “why don’t you just die?” He says again “You would make a good dalek.” The hatred Doctor has for Daleks is long deep painful.” https://youtu.be/9bDGH3dKo90


Danny Pink seemed like he could be such a good character in this episode - he had a bit of a personality. It's unfortunate that he becomes more and more one-dimensional as time goes on.


In the original script Rusty blows himself up as he teleported to the Dalek ship and is the reason why 12 says "Of course you must. You've got unfinished work. Haven't you" ( page 65) he knew what was to happen. It's revealed in this leaked script -https://www.docdroid.net/eg2w/ep-2-pdf It was cut supposedly due to similarities to suicide bombers and Isis etc. There is one more instance of real world issues changing an episode later In the series. The first 5 episodes were leaked in script form before S8 aired and 1 or two episodes to. The scripts can still be seen via https://www.whyruntothetardis.com/2014/07/leaked-doctor-who-scripts.html?m=1


I adore that simple sequence done of 12 and Clara entering The TARDIS from the teachers cupboard done simply by erecting the cupboard set up against The TARDIS. Really simple and done very rarely and gives the real impression of "bigger on the inside" also love yeah she's my carer, she cares so I don't have to" and "get it right!!" "Top layer if you want to say a few words" " Don't be Lasagne" & key to the episode "Clara be my pal, am I a good man?" "I am not a good Dalek , you are a good Dalek" the sass as he turns is hillarious too. So many quotes from sarky S8 Doctor In this script! 😍 Good episode I get a kick out of S8 Doctor!