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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Glee Season 1



Glee Season 2






I hate that New Directions got 3 songs but Troubletones got 1 mashup. It's so annoying because the troubletones was never keant to win but the writers could have at least made it fair. Abd even with all that, i still preferred the Troubletones performance.


you know glee has done something to your emotions when you cry at almost every group performance😭 idk why but that we are young performance had me bawling lolol

Brianna Dawson

I still 100% believe the troubletones should have won that.

Zach Faulkner

So...... I know that I am probably the exception to this. But when he talked about Rachel and Finn going to fetch Sam and he didn't like that because it was unrealistic. When I was in HS and I was dating a girl. Her dad got a new job and she moved away. A few months later I found out that one of her friends had organized a plan to bring her back to town. the friends parents had agreed to let this girl I was dating move back and live with her friends family to finish up high school. So this friend and myself drove to go pick her and her stuff up and bring her back to our town/school... Sooo uhhh lol it happens. :-X

Clay W

I'm disappointed that the Troubletones didn't win. They were so much better in my opinion. I'm not against the New Directions, but let's be realistic here. The choreography alone was miles ahead of anything ND has done.


The Troubletones definitely should've won. But oh well. Once you get to this point in this show, you're pretty much conditioned to go with New Directions' unrealistic wins, lol.

I Am Not Chamari

The Troubletones definitely deserved to win even with the New Directions setlist. Their one mashup was so much better than the New Directions' performance. It almost felt like a plot hole. Hell, even the Unitards gave them a run for their money lol I think the Sam plotline was far-fetched, sure, especially because of how little time it took, it was only a few days until the competition lol. But I think the complete Quinn turnaround was more far-fetched than anything. It took her the course of an episode to completely change tune and I think having a more gradual change throughout the season would work better. But, what do I know? We Are Young is one of my all-time favorite group numbers. Really special stuff.


So I loved everything about this episode.First I wanted to say Finn and Rachel going to get sam. It happens all the time. I had two friends this happened too and two more that no one found out until after high school.people try not to make a spectacle of it. It’s basically like getting an exchange student the paperwork is practically the same. Anyway just wanted to clear that up for the people saying it’s unrealistic, cause it’s really not. Okay so Mercedes and sams back and forth was super cute I love them on screen together cause they have some great chemistry when the writers allow it. I hated the we are young song it just didn’t work for me lol. Now onto the topic everyone is going to be mad at me.lol okay so I’m happy the troubletones lost to new direction. Reality wise I feel that worked perfectly. Also I love that everyone basically got to sing or have a small part for once it wasn’t the Rachel and Finn show.ecpessailly Tina I love her voice. :)


I have always watched the competition episodes with the understanding that the only group whose whole set we are going to set is New Directions but even though we don’t see them all the groups get the same amount of songs. To make it some what feel like a real competition you need to show multiple groups but they would never have time in one episode to show all the performances. At typical real life show choir or A cappella group competitions each group usually gets to perform a set of 3 songs.

Katy Ann

Same. When Finn and Santana hugged it just hit me out of nowhere.


Im probably the only one, but imo that the New directions won was the right thing. Not only they were better, the troubletones (mostly Santana) were so annoying. They deserved to loss


Also i loved the last number. I also loved finns voice in it. I General really like his voice (Even thought it’s not the strongest) also im happy that we don’t see 2-3 from every group. Would be really annoying imo


every group gets the same amount of songs otherwise yes it would be very unfair we usually get 1 song per other group but we will always see all the new directions songs because they are the main group of the show


I don’t think it matters how many songs they do. Of course we are going to see New Directions do all of their songs, but I’m in the band and we compete in competitions with field shows where it doesn’t matter how many songs we do, it matters how long the field show is. Maybe it’s like that. We can do 1,2,3,4,5....100 songs as long as we can fit it in the timeframe they give us.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

How in every single group better than New Directions? Even the Trouble Tones were better and they’re made up of ND members!! That I Will Survive/Survivor mashup was beautiful. I might be biased cuz Santana’s voice is my fav but honestly. The song, the dance, the whole shebang was incredible