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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Santana was a major bitch this episode especially to Rory during the end of the dodgeball scene but no one deserves to be outed, not even Karofsky even though he put Kurt through hell. I can understand that Finn just boiled up and said what he thought would hurt her the most but it was very wrong of him:/ And ugh love the mash up performances this episode!


Yes Santana was really mean and nasty this episode but Finn was 100% in the wrong here. You NEVER EVER out anyone no matter who it is or what they’ve done. Outing has literally ruined so many peoples lives & has gotten so many people harmed & killed & Finn was deadass wrong for outing her in front of the whole school like that. Nothing justifies his actions idc how mean Santana was, if he wanted to argue with her he literally could’ve said anything else, her sexuality should have never came up in the conversation. Finn’s lucky she didn’t do more than slap him because he was way out of line. We also have to remember Santana is going through some things internally (dealing with her sexuality) which would explain her being so mean.

I Am Not Chamari

I can't help but to think the writers made Santana extra awful this episode to try to make it seem okay that Finn outed her. However, that was a totally messed up thing he did. Calling someone a coward for being in the closet is so unbelievably tone deaf, when LGBT youth get harmed/killed, or even harm themselves just because of who they are. I think this is the worst thing that Finn has ever done. Full stop. Kurt managed not to out Karofsky even though he terrorized him for over a YEAR and threatened to kill him. If he had the dignity to do that, when he was SCARED for his LIFE, Finn could have come up with literally anything else. I would have slapped him too tbh. How dare he!


But that doesn’t give her a pass to be a bitch to people


I mean the writers just wrote Santana as she is, it’s their character and they needed a reason for Finn to blow up. She has been extremely mean the past few episodes as well telling Rory to do everyone a favor and just disappear. That’s so messed up, when people get told that they start thinking of suicide and sad things like that. I think everyone just has to admit that Santana is a bitch she always has been one since the first season. But yes Finn was 100% wrong and no one should ever be outed even if it’s Karofsky or whoever.

Clay W

I love the music in this episode, but I hate the interactions between Santana and Finn. Santana's always been that character to take shots at people, but her going after Finn didn't make sense and while I don’t excuse her mean comments, because the things she say can have damaging effects on people too, but him outting her is unforgivable and dangerous. I was never a big fan of Finn, especially this season and him being an ass to Blaine, but this made me hate him.

Haughtbreaker Nic

Season three definitely took a writing turn for Santana. She was always mean before, but she never went on rants before s3. I do think the writers did it intentionally to justify Finn's outburst because he's such a "nice guy". Let's not forget that this isn't the first time he decided to use someone's sexuality against them when he burst. The worst part is, he knows exactly how Kurt was bullied and threatened and how bad things can get for a gay kid and he still publicly outted Santana in a crowded hallway, then brushed it off, saying that everyone in the school already knew. Funny side note, Cory thought the slap was going to be a stage slap but Naya was instructed to actually slap him so the shocked reaction is completely real.


Everyone's already voiced my thoughts on Finn, so I'll just say that that Adele mash-up is one of the best this show ever did, imo.


The way Ryan Murphy went "let's take the amazing storyline of santana being mean to hide that she is scared of being outed and being put in danger and make her 1000% meaner so Finn can be justifyed in outing her" is disgusting. Outing👏is👏never👏ok👏


What Finn did is absolutely inexcusable. It doesn’t matter what she did. Yes Santana was wrong with the way she was going after Finn but screaming in an open hallway full of students that she needs to come out of the closet is a whole other level. Especially when he’s seen everything that Kurt went through. And he sees nothing wrong with it because he keeps making the excuse “everyone already knows.” Obviously everyone doesn’t know or the ad wouldn’t have happened but it still doesn’t matter what he thinks. It’s. Wrong. Not only that but he says she’s a coward for not coming out. He doesn’t know anything about her life or what would happen to her if she did come out. Can I understand Finn saying something harmful because of what Santana was doing. Yes, I have been in a situation where I was being bullied and I retaliated with something hurtful but not something that could actually put someones life in danger and not at his age and I felt horrible immediately after. And this is not the first time Finn has used someone’s sexuality against them. You can see in the auditorium that Finn has no remorse and a good person would not enjoy hurting someone in that way even if they thought it was deserved.

Aaron Lopez

I love Santana 🖤


you saying you can understand why Finn would out Santana and that their only so much you can take i'm sorry what????? what Finn did is not understandably in anyway and the fact that after he is still doesn't think he has done anything wrong and brags about the fact that the whole school already knows shows that he is not an good person in this episode or this season. nevermind the fact you were going "don't punch him" Finn deserved a lot worse than the slap he got. As somebody who was outed at high school by a friend, mash off almost made me stop watching Glee as the writers handled this so badly as by sending the message that if someone happens to insult you it’s perfectly fine to turn around and outing someone. The way Finn is treated like he is in the right to out santana is disgusting as the town their live in and the school their go to is so homophobic which finn should remember as not the previous year his own brother was forced to leave the school as he was getting harrased and was getting death threats. even without the school being homophobic it should of been Santana choice of when she came out so the fact that the writers decided to send the message if a friend of yours is being mean to you it is totally acceptful to out them is disgusting. Speaking of Santana being mean to Finn their had Santana be even more mean than usually in the episodes before and in these episodes as yes Santana has been mean in s1 &2 but in the amazing scene between Santana and Brittany she is mean because she is angry and scared so the fact the writers decide their gonna make Santana been so mean and offensive so Finn can seem to be in the right to out her is lesbiophobic. Also Finn calling Santana a coward for not being ready to be out is such a damaging message to send as he doesn’t know Santana's home life and just because someone isn’t out doesn’t mean they are coward as it should be up to them when they want to be out. So yeah basically fuck Ryan Murphy, all the writers on glee and Finn


The writers 100% wrote Santana in a meaner way for the simple fact of trying to justify her being outed. I don't give a shit what Santana said to Finn, being outed is NEVER okay no matter what, it can get people killed and disowned, its so disgusting that he would do this especially after everything he witnessed with Kurt. Even Kurt never outed karofsky after everything he has been through because of karofsky. I don't understand how anyone can even say they understand where Finn is coming from when he put Santana in so much danger or that her insults are the same as being outed when its NOT. Also, Finn calling her a coward is despicable, he is basically saying if you aren't out of the closet then you are a coward, he is honestly the worst he has ever been in season 3 and im so glad Santana slapped him in the face, i wouldn't of blamed her if she straight up did worse. I really hope you take the time to read the comments and see why its not okay to "understand where finn is coming from" and that what santana said to finn isn't the same thing as finn outing her. Oh and btw, FUCK Rory, hes a gross ass creep who pretended to be a leprechaun to try and get into brittanys pants and took advantage of who she is as a person, Santana knew that and rightfully so hated him.


Absolutely love the "Rumour Has It/Someone Like You" cover that is performed at the end of this episode. It is easily my favorite cover from Glee (I still listen to the song on a weekly basis). Even though it is a Troubletones performance always thought it was a performance where Santana (Naya) shined. Naya's vocals paired with her in acting in the scene before the performance, during the performance, and in the scene right after the performance made such a great sequence of scenes where Naya portrayed Santana to be vulnerable, scared, and angry. Onto the episode itself I think the major issue with it is that it was so obvious the writers tried to make Santana extra rude this episode as a way to justify Finn outing her. Since Season 1, Santana has always said "snarky"/ "witty" comments but now when Finn finally says something back in response he doesn't just say some "snarky"/"witty remark right back towards Santana but outs her even though he can tell she is struggling. Always thought the writers could've had Finn confront Santana differently. Even though they are in different Glee Clubs at this point that doesn't mean that Finn and Santana stopped being friends (without specifying the scenes you will clearly see in the next episode despite them still being in different Glee Clubs how Finn tries to right his wrong for outing Santana). Always thought a better scene/better scenes would've been seeing Finn privately helping Santana because he could clearly tell she was struggling. Also in retrospective it would've been great to see more one-on-one scenes with Cory and Naya because in real life they were really good friends but on the show Finn and Santana are more so shown to be friends because the cheerleaders and football players are friends as well as being friends because of Glee Club (but they aren't necessarily seen as being close friends) so Finn and Santana don't have a lot of one-on-one scenes.


They have been writing Santana over the top mean in the last few episodes on purpose so they can justify Finn outing her this episode. The first half of season three they had Santana be mean to Rory, go against the glee club in a super aggressive way, insult Finn every episode and even be violent in the dodgeball game. She’s never been this cruel or personally vindictive before. I can’t think of an instance where she just hammered off insults for NO reason. They also made her violent when she has never given any indication she was prone to violence. They knew what they were doing writing her like that. They wanted to give Finn a narrative reason to do what he did. There is honestly no justification for it at all anyway. I don’t care how many insults Santana flung at him. You DO NOT OUT SOMEONE period. It’s dangerous and an explicit form of violence to intentionally out a LGBT person against their will, regardless of circumstance. They can be thrown out of the house, killed and have their life ruined forever. It’s disgusting and the show knows it’s wrong since they had Kurt say a few episode ago how he would NEVER out someone and he doesn’t believe in that. That’s what makes it worse, is that the writers made it clear that no one should be outed, and yet made a character do it to Santana anyway. The double standard and sexism is gross. It’s because Santana is a Poc lesbian, while Karofsky/Kurt are white men. The show is sexist and treats the female characters different than the male ones. This is just one instance of that. Finn could have said ANYTHING. He could have mentioned her singing, her personality, how no one likes her, her attitude, etc. There are ways to retaliate WITHOUT outing someone. He went for the thing he knew would hurt her and ruin her life. He said it with a whole smirk on his face and literally yelled it in a crowded hallway. He seemed satisfied with himself and even called her a coward. DISGUSTING. Stfu Finn. Later on in the episode in the auditorium, he didn’t even seem remotely sorry, he seemed self satisfied and tried to justify his actions by saying everyone knew already. Santana slapping him was so deserved. I clapped. Listen, I do not give one flying fuck if every single person on that campus knew. It isn’t Finn’s place to dictate her coming out and to tell her that nobody cares. Clearly they do or Kurt wouldn’t have been bullied so badly as he was. Him calling Santana a coward had my blood boiling. FINN SHUT THE FUCK UP. He isn’t LGBT, so he can’t go throwing the word “coward” around when his cishet self has never had to come out or internally struggle with his sexuality. Coming out is an extremely personal thing and one of the most crucial turning points in a LGBT persons life. The power and inner strength that comes from being honest and deciding to tell someone about yourself is indescribable. Finn robbed Santana of that feeling and that relief. Her hand will be forced now everyday going forward. Every new person that sees that ad will know and she won’t have a choice in the matter on whether she should tell them or not. This entire plot line is disgusting and one of the most offensive things glee has done.


Lol the comments are crazy and someone put its a 1-4 rated episode! Lmao. Oh hell who did that? XD


What is so crazy about the comments? All I see is people respectfully posting their opinions.

leslie martin

santana has been horrible this season (the start up to this point) and it's really annoying me bc i love her so much! i really disliked her those pasts episodes but i guess it's bc she was struggling with herself. she was always a "mean girl" in a "funny" way you know, with quick and salty responses but this season she was just vile with finn! i understand that finn was really hurt and annoyed by her comments bc he was always nice with her but him outing her is awful. it's never the right thing to do! i really like how rachel did this to kurt in this episode! tbh i feel like she always mess up and then learn from her mistakes and try to make things up.. guess bc she's a 17 yo and you grow up you know with every experience you have

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I know Santana is mean but outing someone is NEVER cool, Finn. That Adele mashup, though...Perfection. Mercedes was good but Santana KILLED it. The raw emotion that she brings in her more serious scenes and storylines...I don’t know, she’s the best in this whole cast.