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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Stefan Davis

Slade is hands down the best villain of the series everything about it was great, he’s playing chess and everyone else isn’t even playing the game......plus the writing at this point of the show was top tier Malcom was a good villain(3rd best) but he had plans on a much larger scale it wasn’t really personal with Oliver....Everything with Slade was personal and precise from telling Thea the truth and then Laurel it’s just good shit man lol


They still call Lance Detective because it is a sign of respect. He didn't loose his rank because he was a bad cop but because they questioned his judgment in working with the arrow. Team Arrow still respects him and doesn't agree with his demotion so they still call him Detective out of respect.


Also I agree, I've never liked the whole idea of the superhero breaking up with the person they love to "protect them". It doesn't make them any safer? That person can still get hurt or used against you because you still love or care about them.


Slade is just the perfect villain. He knows how to get personal and he plans his revenge PERFECTLY. He uses Oliver's secrets and his loved ones against him and IT WORKS. Oliver won't be able to fight him if he isn't honest and works with everybody instead of trying to keep them safe and give Slade even more lead with that.


He knew Deathstroke was Slade he just couldn't say it to the police because he couldn't really explain how he knew so he just said the man in the mask as if he didn't know. He was just saying it like Oliver would if he was just the CEO Playboy Oliver that is his secret identity. Not Arrow Oliver with knowledge of the stuff from the Island etc.