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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Janeka Rector

Yes!! I’m so excited for you to get to this episode. It really changed the whole game for the show. It’s so ridiculously ambitious. I’m so excited for you! I don’t think they detected the nuclear weapon a year ago- but that the radiation signature from the detonation lingers. Thats why nuclear weapons are so devastating. The BSG: The Resistance webisodes are short but sweet. I hope you enjoy them! (If you can find them.) The only place to get good quality versions is on the DVDs or Blu-rays. YouTube has poor quality and NBCUniversal pulls it when it’s posted. You can totally watch the show without them but they would answer some questions for you after this episode otherwise. Also, Caprica is a prequel and it’s... very different and unfinished. I’m not sure if you should spend time watching it frankly. It would probably be a show that works now but didn’t when it first came out.


Okay so first I always took it that the nuclear weapon was meant to signal the fleet's location. Remember that six was tortured and hoped all the humans died. She said that previously. That's why she was listening to the broadcast as Baltar won. She knew they would be staying on New Caprica then where the cylons could find them. So the cylons didn't come initially, but after awhile decided to. You'll find out more about why in next season. You asked about Adama's facial hair. He grows facial hair in times of peace. He didn't when the show began because he was still the commander and about to retire. Well, now that he isn't really running anything (even though he technically is) he grew the facial hair. It's the same with Kara who grew her hair long. She wore it short when she was active, but has grown it out in peace times. You also should note that Lee has gained quite a bit of weight. Looking for those small changes shows the depth of their commitment to their posts when they are actively serving versus peacetime. No...the thing that happened between Lee and Starbuck you'll find out at a later point next season. You talked about why Lee looked at Starbuck funny when she was with Anders. Remember there has always been that romantic tension between Lee and Starbuck, but their past makes it awkward to ever go forward. Remember Lee even kissed her when she came back the first time from her mission from Caprica. They've had subtle moments throughout that hint to this. You asked where the other Sharon is, who was on the ship with them. You should have noticed that Helo was still on the bridge with Adama. They showed it at the end when he was getting ready to jump the fleet away. So it's like Sharon stayed on the ship as well instead of going to the ground. Remember it's been a year since she said she was done with them. You have no idea if her feelings changed or what happened. Roslin likely went to the ground for several reasons. She probably wanted to watch over the people and keep an eye on Gaius. Her and Adama where always the two adults of the show...so Adama stayed in the sky and she went to the ground. She also went back to being a teacher because that's what she really wanted to do. I absolutely loved the time jump because it left me guessing in a good way. I wasn't expecting it at all. The first time I was watching was late at night and I was supposed to go to sleep because I had class the next day. Instead I stayed up and watched the first episode of the next season because I couldn't wait. I won't answer the flashbacks question and let you see for yourself! :) You did recognize that it was Leoben that stopped by the tent looking for Kara right? Remember they had a whole thing in previous episodes where she was interrogating him. Caprica (the prequel) sucks in my opinion. I absolutely love BSG and it didn't feel the same at all. I would recommend giving it a try though because I know some really liked it.

Calvin Allen

It was a lightyear away so it took one year for the radiation of the explosion to reach wherever the Cylon were.

Calvin Allen

Oh and I wouldn't bother with any of the spinoffs for this show. They do not live up to how good this show is


Yes, it took them a year to get here because he said they were a light-year away - meaning traveling at light-speed, it takes them a year to get there. Space is big, yo! 😉 You're right, it's not an attack. It's an occupation. And I personally would recommend "Caprica." It's very different from this show - a lot slower, as it's not an action show - but still a really interesting prequel, imo, especially toward the end. Plus, it's short so not a big commitment. I couldn't tell what other spin-off you were talking about because the sound of the show in the background was extra-loud in that moment, but it sounded like you were saying "V"?? If that is indeed what you said, that show was unrelated to BSG. There was a "Blood and Chrome" web-series, but that one was crap, imo. DEFINITELY watch the movie "Razor" though.

DJ Doena

As for the nuclear detection. When a nuclear bomb explodes it creates a pretty big flash of light and also expels radioactive particles and waves in all directions - especially in space where there's no natural shielding. And this light flash and the particles travel - well - at the speed of light. So one year later this explosion can be seen at a distance of exactly one light year because that's the very definition of the term (light year is a measurement of length, not of time). So when the Cylons were in the location one light year away that's when they'd see the explosion. It's the same as the light from our sun: If you had a remote to turn off the sun like a lamp, it would take 16 minutes for you to see the effect: 8 minutes for the infrared beam from your remote to reach the sun and a further 8 minutes for the darkness to come after the last photons that have left the sun before the shutoff to reach the Earth.

DJ Doena

I LOVE this line from Starbuck: "The same thing we always do: Fight them until we can't!"

DJ Doena

Steven, once more I'd like to implore you to seek out the webisodes that came between seasons 2 and 3. They add up to more than half an hour of screen time and they show in much more detail what's going on next at the beginning of season 3.

Reed James

It took the radiation from the bomb, the gamma rays and x-rays, a year to reach some part of the cylons. The FTL lets them jump instnatly around.