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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Louis definitely has his moments when he overreacts & does the most but I can’t help but feel bad for him at times. He just wants to be respected and appreciated by his peers. I felt really bad for Mike this episode. His grandma was the only family he had left.

Omar Vargas

The last three episodes have been great. This is a really good show


I think this season really establishes Louis's value and how Jessica and Harvey underestimating his need to feel respected comes to bite them in the ass. I love that! But yes, Hardman is totally using it to his advantage. I remember feeling so sorry for Mike bc now his entire family is dead. Get ready for next episode, it's a game changer!


I just wanted to clarify one thing for you since i heard you confuse it for couple of episodes now. Harvery didnt make Senior partner 5 years ago. That's when he made junior partner. Jessica made him senior partner this year, and she gets 1 per year so that's why she cant make louis one right now.


Yea that’s what I meant, I thought that’s what I said but I might have worded it wrong. Yea the flashback showed when he got JR partner and the show started when he got senior. I think that’s what I was trying to say