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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Sosa 007

Favorite reactions by far

Ray D

The girl in this episode is incredibly attractive. There’s not many women on this show I would like over Lana in the looks department. But I think this is one of them.

Calvin Allen

Her death in this episode was so lame. She cut herself on glass and died.


Kyla is one of my favorite of Clark's secondary love interests. Between her personality and her looks she is definitely up there for me. Liking brunettes or black hair and having some Cherokee and Choctaw in my ancestry I've always kinda had a thing for Native American girls. lol.


This episode proved and even set up the foundation that if the right girl came along for Clark then he would be able to move on from Lana...


From here on the lore of where Clark comes from begins. At least from the this episode Kryptonians have visited Earth before.

Daniel R

My boy Clark be pulling 'em lmao

messiah waite

I just realized but the star disappearing from the sky and her asking clark why is it gone "as if he would know" is probably a reference to his planet blowing up in the comics. I'm not sure if his planet was a star but in the cave story, the kryptonian claimed to be from a "star" so I think its the same

Cheddah Slammer

I think the closest marvel has done to this type of show was Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and all those shows. However their not teen drama's if that's what you talking about.