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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Damon asked If Elena was waiting for him to screw up so she could go back to hating him and she basically answers yes, then he answers "this time Im not gonna make it so easy for you", meaning this time he wont screw up. Thats what hes saying.


Ugh. Delena. My least favorite ship of all time in any series. But I will admit, the motel kiss always gives me chills.

I Am Not Chamari

That kiss... Yeah, it's above me now.

Sade L.

Whew that delena scene is so iconic!! But Since you’re not into the romance of it all lol I can’t wait until you get to The Originals, it’s way more mature. You’ll like it way more 😊


it's actually really refreshing that your not that into the romance but more the story. i love watching reactions to the vampire diaries but one thing im kinda over is the constant drama over who should be with who and the romance in general. for me, i always loved the story more than the romance. so im really enjoying your reactions to the show!

Andrea Dcosta

You should react to episodes 20, 21 and 22 together they go really well together or atleast the last 2 together if u can’t do 3 at once. They are definitely worth it. These last 3 episodes are probably my most favourite in any series it’s that good.

Stefan Davis

Honestly in my opinion neither of the brothers are good Elena, Just hear me out Stefan is the "Good Brother" but he’s just as responsible for the shitty things that goes down just as much as Elena is......He enables her recklessness,this thing where he always gotta respect her choices even when it’s the absolutely worst choice time and time again is can very weird to me and add the fact you can tell he walks around on egg shell around her never really being himself always wanting to please her which was kinda Rose’s point And then there’s Damon who she swore she’d never want to be with etc,etc bashing him at every turn, everytime some shit goes down it’s "I hate you Damon" then start going on her regular rants but the minute she’s in need it’s always "if you care about me than you wouldn’t do this" always trying to use his feelings for her to do something that’s convenient for her and as we seen with these first 3seasons he’s the polar opposite he really doesn’t care who needs to die as long as it’s not Elena he even stated "I’m the one who’s gonna keep her alive I’ll even let her hate me for it" something along those lines which is just as toxic as being an enabler .....which also goes back to Rose’s point And there’s Elena who can be manipulative and contradicting as hell, I know some people might not agree with me on this but that’s just where I’m at with these 3

Nikita Pascari

Agree, the next episodes do flow very well on a binge. It would probably be unrealistic to get a bunch of TVD at once but Steven should totally try to watch them back to back on the same day and just edit a week later.


Regarding the Damon/Elena "I'm not gonna make it so easy for you" discussion: Damon deals with being disappointed and hurt by lashing out and giving into his vampire impulses which always bothered Elena and she thinks this is why they would never work as a couple bc in relationships (esp amongst vampires) people get hurt and if Damon gets hurt the consequences are worse. And Damon is just saying that she uses his defense mechanisms as an excuse to not see him as a valid romantic choice instead of asking herself who she really loves, she always tells herself that she can't love Damon anyways bc of his wildcard behavior. And Damon is saying that he thinks that's just an excuse and he is taking this excuse away so that she doesn't have it "easy" anymore and has to make a real choice between him and Stefan based on her true feelings.

Shaun Kemmer

Is there a way to pay for only TVD reactions? I don't watch any of the other reactions and $10 seems a bit high for me. I think there's tiers for only x show but not one for TVD?

Fly on the Wall

I think you misunderstood what Damon was saying. He meant he wasn't going to lash out, he wasn't going to be an asshole so Elena would have zero excuses. She needs to make a choice based solely on her own feelings.


Romance is mature. The originals is about family. Idk but the originals and legacies has never been able to capture the magic and essence of the first four seasons of tvd.


it's refreshing watching a reactor who is not obsessed with damon/elena. maybe it's because you're an older male...so it's easier to look at their interactions objectively. and i agree with you...he is terrible for her in countless ways. if anything i wish they'd just given elena some time alone...without any romantic ties to either brother. hopefully their fans don't flood your comments with dissertations on way they're so great and fans can accept and understand why you might not agree .

Daniel R

The title confused me, it should be Heart of Darkness right??! lol


In regard to Haunting of Hill House... having anxiety may even make the viewing experience better because it can really allow you as a viewer to relate to these characters suffering from mental illnesses. Anyways... do what you need to do! I'd love to see your reaction but if you need time you should take it! Back to TVD.

Fly on the Wall

I'm an older male and I love Damon and Elena. As for the accepting his opinion, I hope so, too. But honestly he's been saying he's not a shipper for like 3 seasons straight and mostly it's been fine. It's mostly character stans that give him a hard time, but I don't want to say who to not spook them into this reply chain.

john segun doe

Yah but he hates bad guys and has said multiple times he doesnt know how he would be able to get into that show because the main characters are the originals. Here's to hopin

Lucile Byrd

Rose didn't say that Stefan is great for Elena, she said he was good for her. It is the equivalent of choosing between safe (Stefan) and all consuming passion (Damon)