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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



You weren't crazy. Basically way back when Cora made the deal with Rumple to learn magic so that she could go from a miller's daughter to a queen, in exchange for her firstborn child. She then got Rumple to alter the deal so that it was their firstborn child. That she had fallen in love with him, and in exchange for teaching her how to rip out hearts she'd have a child with him. Knowing the deal he'd made regarding his second-born child, he then went and killed this guy, thinking it would nullify the deal he'd made to save Baelfire. He then returned to Cora but learned he was tricked. Cora had ripped out her own heart because her love for Rumple was her weakness, and she told him that whatever child she'd have it would never be his.


My biggest issue with this episode is Milah's death. I'm completely fine with it mind you, I don't agree that her requirement to move on should have been Baelfire. I think it would have made this episode a 9 if we learned that it was actually Rumple himself that was her unfinished business. That by leaving him for Killian she set him on the path to becoming the dark one, and that guilt had eaten away at her for years. That instead of ending it the way she had with him that if she'd been more honest and forthright instead of running away and abandoning Rumple and Bael that history would have turned out differently. Instead she did what she did and thousands of people ended up dead because of her decision and all the deals that Rumple had made as the Dark One since. That his actions are his responsibility but they are also hers. Then the confrontation at the boat happens and Rumple tells her that she doesn't have to worry about moving on, because she never will because she finally got him to be the man she always wanted him to be and that he likes the man he is. Then he kills her. Which then carries more weight to his statement later on commenting on her "death by hades" to Killian that "she made me the man I am."

Paul Fisher

Rumple wasn't Zelena's father. We saw her father in the third season episode, "Bleeding Through." As for the boat, you missed the part of the conversation where Emma said she used magic to transport them back from Hades' lair. They needed Milah and the boat to slip into the lair without being detected (they thought) but they were detected anyway. Since Hades already knew they were there, there was no reason not to use magic to escape. They really needed the boat, not to escape from the lair near the River Lethe but to return from the underworld to the land of the living. Now they have to find another way to do that.

Ceara Abrahamsz

The burning of the boat was so they couldn't leave the underworld. Rumple was putting on a act so Emma and Hook wouldn't suspect him of killing Mila. They got out of there by Rumple proofing them out.