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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Didn't watch your reaction yet but I cannot WAIT to see your reaction to the very last shot omg let alone THAT scene with Gus


So I’m wondering if you truly understood the significance of the plant because you didn’t expand. Walter poisoned Brock to frame Gus and manipulate Jesse into helping him kill Gus. For me that part is what makes the episode a 10 because it really shows Walt outsmarting everyone and even though he had a reason, poisoning a child is pretty close to a Heisenberg moment. Also I wasn’t sure if you caught why the episode is called face off. We expect it to be this big confrontation between Gus and Walt but instead it’s referencing literally Gus’ face being blown off. Just wasn’t sure if you caught all that because you didn’t mention it in your review. Can’t wait for season 5!


Gus Fring remains one of my favorite TV villains of all-time. And what an exit. And yeah, I feel like the reveal that Walt was the one who poisoned Brock was the moment Walt went full villain himself.

Vicky N

There was a literal face off. Walter White outsmarted everyone. The way he manipulated Jesse was masterful as well as cruel. The scene where Jesse confront him, put a gun to his head and Walter manages to convince him that Gus poisoned the child. So cold blooded while acting desperate and frantic. This episode deserve nothing less than a 10.