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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



What was happening which they kind of explain at the end where the were showing her what she did and then during the credits was that her and her boyfriend or whatever kidnapped the girl in the photo and it showed in the news footage that it was this national thing everyone was watching and a tragedy. The kidnapped her and her body was found in the woods. He (Ian) killed her and while (Victoria) the main character we have been following watched on he phone and taped it saying it was like she was in like a daze or mesmerized by him. The symbol was a tattoo he had and the white bear was the girls and became a national symbol thing while the girl was missing for months. So he killed himself in custody and it seems people didn't think justice was served so they decided to set up this scenario to torture her in a way that fit what had happened. Everyone watching her like something brainwashed them, the woods and the symbol and the white bear all play into the stuff with her case. At the end you see everybody is an actor and the people filming are guests and the whole thing is like an amusement park that is set up to torture her for what she did instead of being in a normal prison. So it brings up a lot of questions about punishment fitting the crime and how people react to a case like this. Should someone just be put in prison or is this kind of punishment justified. It also says something about people wanting to watch and treat it like it's a attraction at an amusement park. There is probably more commentary and metaphor stuff I'm not thinking of and maybe others can point it out but that is just some of the stuff that I could think of off the top of my head. There is probably something in there to about her watching the initial killing and acting like she is detached and observer and not responsible kinda like how people film stuff or watch or see crimes happen but don't try and get involved or try to stop it and how the tech can put a barrier up between you and people and make it seem like it's not your problem or you are not responsible because you are "an observer".

Daniel R

Good thing we don't live in a world where you have people following you around recording your every move. Oh wait...

Scarlett Monrow

People that were going to the park to watch her, are guilty of the same crime as she: "enjoying watching another person's suffering". Also, because she has no memory of the crime, this was not punishment (you have to know what you are being punished for, in order to learn your lesson), it was vengeance. If there was ever a cruel and unusual punishment - this is it.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

Spot on. You are uneasy about this because what they're doing is wrong on multiple counts. Plus you nailed it since wiping her memory essentially eliminates the perpetrator of the crime. You can't punish a person who doesnt understand the crime they're being punished for. Ultimately it's a commentary on the nature of crime and punishment. How one sees these activities speaks to how one understands the purpose of punitive justice; is it for the edification of the convicted or the catharsis of the bereaved.