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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



love this one the mummy hand part is one of my favorite in the whole series. i also like the getting drunk and kitten poker stuff with spike too.


lots of adulting metaphors in the 'tests' that the nerd trio dole out here. the college day literally speeding by is a metaphor for how fast life can move, especially when you feel like you can't keep up. the magic shop one shows the redundancy and dullness of a day to day/9-5 type job that feels like it's never going to end. i appreciate what the episode is trying to say, but i don't love how they went about saying it. nothing in the episode moved the plot or storyline forward. all it did was reaffirm for us that buffy is sad/struggling, which we already know after last episode. also not a fan of the nerd trio. there are so many moments between them that are intended to be funny/played for laughs...and i never laugh at a single moment between them because i find them too annoying.


The nerds are a lot to take in. They're intentionally lame, so whether or not you enjoy them probably comes down to whether or not you find them funny enough to justify their presence. I'm in agreement with you that less is more when it comes to their screen time...every time they are on screen for more than a couple seconds, it devolves into nothing but lame jokes and nerd stereotypes. In a season where the focus so far is primarily Buffy coming to terms with her new life, an episode that dedicates so much screen time to antagonists we aren't supposed find threatening falls a little flat.


I think this season is different because Joss handed the show runner duties over to Marti Noxon so that might be why it has a different tone. Also the network does maybe play into it a bit since they could be a little more adult on UPN than the CW (maybe?). I only watched season 7 live seasons 1-6 I watched on FX or some on there, became obsessed and bought the DVDs. Give this season time. Things def start to shift around episode 7 I think.

Calvin Allen

Not every episode will be like this.

james cedro

What was the point of the betting kittens?...umm maybe a funny scene? I loved that scene. You definitely have a different sense of humor from me. Also, they can't have crossovers with Angel anymore because the WB wouldn't allow it

Marshall Dante Robertson

This is my favorite season, so I can tell I'm gonna have a hard time with his reactions this season. Like all the issues I had with him before will probably rear its ugly head. Steven is a very blunt and straightforward person, which is something I mostly appreciate, even if I don't normally agree with his opinions. But my issue is when he dislikes something, he harps on it the entire episode. I wouldn't have a problem with him disliking episodes/seasons if he didn't do that. It kind of makes the people who do like these episodes/seasons feel bad. Like I know he's not intentionally trying to be a dick, but still, you know? I also don't like how he judges an arc based off of one or two episodes. There's no arc yet, so it would probably do him some good if he were just a bit more patient and not so quick to judge. Let the season breathe, let the arc stretch out. This really isnt a rant because I respect Steven and his right to have an opinion. I'm just voicing my initial thoughts about his initial...well...thoughts. 😂 I also want to say that I kinda loved this episode when I first saw it. The magic box scene had me actually dying of laughter. I relate to Buffy intensely during this season. As far as the nerds, I look at it from this point of view: in a season of darkness, with Buffy literally dealing with post mortem depression, having some grand and threatening villian this early in the season would be overkill. I hope you see what the writers are trying to say this season because thematically, this is an amazingly dense, existential, dark, and powerful season of television. Okay, love you, bye bye! 😁

Ray D

For me right now the main storyline is just Buffy struggling with life itself after being brought ripped out of heaven. That is her biggest foe right now. The idiot trio is just there to add some comedy and levity (your mileage on how funny you find them might vary). But the stuff that you said that you liked, the emotional stuff with Buffy, that’s the main storyline. The trio is the background story and something to throw Buffy even more off her game. She just can’t find her footing right now. Honestly though, you shouldn’t feel pressure to like the Trio if you don’t. They are hit and miss for me. Something else maybe you didn’t know is that Joss stepped down as the show runner after season 5. He’s still heavily involved and was the one who came up with the main storyline and themes for the season. But Marty Noxon is now the official showrunner starting in season 5. I would think that while joss was showrunner during the first 5 seasons that he took the final pass at the episodes even when he didn’t write the script. But now that falls on Marty. I do kind of feel that in the humor that it’s a little bit different.


I understand what you are saying because this is my favorite season too...next to 5 and 3. But I give Steven a bone because be honest when you first watched this you were like WTF too. I know I was. An episode like this is only enjoyable during a rewatch after you complete the season and know where its going.


Ok its ok if you dont like the Trio right now because honestly I didnt either. But that storyline will have great impact later..right now they are little boys playing games while Buffy suffers from depression. Remember this is only episode 5. You have 17 episodes left and trust me it gets good.

Vicky N

What is most jarring in this episode is the abrupt tone shift from the first three. Even though it’s typical for this show to mix dramma with humor, they usually handle it better. This episode was written by David Fury and Jane Espenson. She usually nails this mix perfectly while he is more heavy handed. I agree with you that there’s too much screen time dedicated to the 3 antagonist.

Vincent Valentin

i really like this episode so i didn't understand your issues with it. idk if its because ive watched the whole season and its just hind site but what they do with the trio and the whole season arc is one of my favorite.

Vicky N

I like how Buffy start each new challenge with “this is gonna be great”, obviously believing that it will be anything but. I like Buffy’s pigtails with the daisies under the hardhat at the construction site to contrast with the “manly men”. I like the whole sketch at the magic shop, especially when Buffy breaks down and stomp on Giles glasses. I like how she reacts every time she take a shot of whiskey and Spike face in response. I know the kitten poker scene is ridiculous but I can’t help but love it. And the final scene between Buffy and Giles is, as usual, perfect.

Daniel R

"This is so dumb I almost fell asleep" Steven: "I hear ya!" 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t know if anyone truly likes the trio. I know I am not a fan of them as a group, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t serve a purpose. I personally had to watch this episode many times before I started to really like it, so not mad at Steven for not liking them right now. I don’t feel like he harped on them. As for why they mention Angel but we don’t get to see it, I feel like it’s a reminder for us that he is still around & a part of the universe. That’s all I can say about it at this time.


The trio are lame, pathetic and annoying, but they are meant to be lame, pathetic and annoying. The show is well aware that these are silly little boys in over their heads, they seem ridiculous as a storyline at first but I promise their arc does have a huge, important impact later on. Also they are not the big bad of the season so don’t worry too much about that. Thank you so for your reaction, your Buffy and Angel reactions are what’s helping me deal with my Bipolar and depression at the moment, both have gotten pretty bad recently and watching you react to my favourite two shows is really calming and enjoyable. So thank you :)


i really loved this episode tbh. it’s not supposed to be taken seriously. this season is one of the darkest in tv history for a show of this genre, and it needs bits of light throughout. Unpopular opinion, but i actually like the trio (at least jonathan and andrew especially). i get how they can be annoying though if it’s not your sense of humor. I kinda relate them to the ghostfacers in supernatural - a lot of people love them and a LOT of people hate them (i love them). the kitten poker scene is genuinely one of my favorites - but spike is my favorite character next to Oz so if you don’t really like him or the story they’re going with i dont think you would.


I see the drunk/hanging out with Spike section of the episode as a direct result of the rest of Buffy's day. Buffy is feeling lost and apathetic towards everyday life (work/school/friends) which leads her to make decisions that feel good but are ultimately destructive (like hanging out with the Spike and getting drunk).


The trio are definitely hit or miss but I actually liked this season. It's a build to something bigger and has a butterfly effect. I liked the fact that they brought in the trio because Buffy has always had to face supernatural beings but this shows how is she supposed to fight humans who are out to get her but shes not really supposed to hurt them being the slayer. That was a big downfall for Faith killing a human remember. It's definitely worth the watch this season just be patient, it will get better.


I personally always have liked them since back in 2002 when I first watched s6. I know they are dumbasses and annoying but that's kinda the point. But I like the nerd stuff like reference to star wars, bond etc etc and all times that they are messing with each other like the magic bone or the other stuff was just kinda funny to me. *Spoilers* And then each being different and evolving in different ways like Warren being horrible but a good villian and what that leads too even though it was hard to see, and Andrew being spinless but ending up where he is at the end of s7 and then s5 Angel, and Johnathan being kinda peer pressured but not liking what they are doing to end up tragically where he does in s7. I think the hate they get is sometimes misplaced because like other villians you are suppose to not like them because they are villians and doing bad stuff but just like other villians you can still think they are good villians even you don't "like them" they may not be menacing and may be "annoying" or whatever but for me alot of the stuff with them was either funny early on or interesting later because of the direction the went and the charcter development they had and the consequences and sequence of events the caused the other characters to have to last until and some into the end of Angel. *Spoilers*


Stan this episode, fuck spike ❤️

Svetlana Grabar

I love this episode personally. I think the groundhog sequence in the magic box is what makes this episode really funny and awesome to me. We also see Buffy facing real issues like money and her uncertain future rather than just regular demons.


Very thankful for Spike; Buffy needs someone she can at least be herself around/comfortable around right now. Her friends are rubbish at the mo and not managing that with all their expectations. Sans Tara; all of us need more Tara :)

Steve Quast

Sorry to say this is the episode that made me quit watching the show for a while back when it was first airing. I just was not (and still not) a fan of Nerds 'r' Us and the way the season seemed to be going. I did eventually come back and finish the series and, while season 6 will never be my favorite, I did find it had some amazing moments to offer, some of which you've already seen (episodes 7 and 8 are amazing). And I also greatly enjoyed season 7. But as for this episode.....meh. I liked the groundhog's day portion and that's about it.


It's absolutely f*cked up that Giles got paid to be Buffy's watcher and yet she gets nothing for being the slayer. Giles *should* have paid her bills, and more. He should split his wages with her. People talk a lot about how Willow and Tara ought to chip in (they should - they could both do about 10 hours a week while studying, which would add up to a part time salary, allowing Buffy to only have to work part time as well), but don't really address how Giles is part of a system that exploits and profits from Buffy's labour without compensating her. It's completely unfair.


Season 6 is amazing to me. I appreciate every moment. The nerds are so great for me. Definitely needed in my personal opinion for brining in some air around the dark issues of life. If you don't like the nerds, then that's fine. I understand that others want a main villain. I simply prefer this over that for Buffy's mental state in this season. I sometimes wonder if maybe the writers thought she wouldn't be able to recover from her past if a super bad guy was around this season. It just doesn't feel right to throw her back in that to me. I truly appreciate the direction of slowing it down for this Buffy's character.