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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Fitz and Hunter are the actual best 😎 that "You know I capable of finishing my own..." "...sentences" was improvised and it's one of my favorite bits 😁

Katherine Thoreson

The way Cal looks after the serum is scientifically what a person would look like after taking something like what he did. When people take HGH, what is supposed to be like natural steroids to make themselves bigger and stronger, there are physical changes that happen. A more prominent brow bone, a wider jaw line are two of the most obvious. It's a call back to the neanderthal human and what it is presumed they looked like. I don't know about Cal in the comics and what he looked like, but logistically, I think it makes sense how he looks. And you take it to the max with what he took, well, it seems kind of corny but it is also the most, what I would deem factual.