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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It’s 4am and I have to watch this right now 😳. It’s episode 12, I just have to.


The only thing I still don’t understand is why everyone else got some sort of special abilities when they become an Alpha like Peter turned into a wolf and Ethan and Aiden can merge into one person how come Scott is the same as an Alpha as he was a beta he didn’t really get stronger either


Pete turns more into a wolf because sometimes the person you reflects in how you turn. The more animalistic you shift into represents the lack of humanity like Deucalion or Peter. Also Ethan and Aiden are twins and I think it is just special because of that bond.


I can’t wait for 3b, you’ll see why we all hold that season so high when you see what it’s about. It’s definitely my favourite.


I have a theory on why but me saying my theory might be considered as a spoiler, so it’ll have to wait.


Can't wait for 3b none of the episodes are less then a 10 for me. I have watched 3b episodes alot of times over any of the seasons not that they are bad its just 3b stands out to me. That's how much I enjoy 3b.


Nice season, I love it very well written and conducted, now, 3b which is amazing I hope you are ready, plus I will just advise you to watch the music intro next ep and at ep 15th, nothing special in fact just some details to get things going were add to it, otherwise for the others ep you don't need to, and of course you don't need to do it at all if you don't want to, won't change the story.


@Owen Thanks for not spoiling it. 😊

Stefan Davis

Season 3a was definitely a good season but season 3b is like 3a on steroids 🤣🤣

Tendai kangas

Peter has always been the "villain" and we were just distracted with this stuff that was happening, I liked that reveal. This finale was a bit messy but not saying it wasn't good but just messy. good moments though


I think it was easier for them to let Deucalion go because his pack is gone. Kali and Ennis are both dead and the twins have defected. He's an alpha with no pack--no better than any other Beta.