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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Calvin Allen

I'm not the biggest fan of the first few episodes of this season. But seeing your reaction I think you're going to hate this season


Lol the flying monkeys at the school play was never shown on screen. And I think Giles reacted strongly to willow threatening him, if u look at this body language and face is very clear he is shocked, concerned and maybe even a little scared of willow in that moment. I’m really excited for u to get to the next episodes...I hope u really take in what’s being said...it’s all such a wild ride :)


I think Giles reacted in his facial expressions it was just subtle.

Ray D

You asked what the point was of the three dorky guys. From a show perspective, I think it’s two fold. First, all of the actual “life stuff” that Buffy is going through. It’s a depressing and heavy situation overall to have her be yanked out of heaven and now having to readjust to a very harsh situation at home. Throwing a more serious main villain into an already depressing situation risks making the show too serious at this point. The show has always thrived on the mix of drama and comedy. So I think the show is keeping all the life stuff very serious right now and giving us a more comedic adversary is something that’s meant to lighten the mood a little bit (now how funny you actually find those dorky guys seems to fluctuate based on the person). But I think what the show is trying to do is bring more comedy into a very depressing life situation for some balance. Secondly, if you look at the major recurring villains introduced early in seasons it’s escalated each season. from Vampire (the master), vampire (spike/Dru), to demon (the mayor), to demon cyborg thing (Adam), to a flat out god (glory). At some point you can’t just keep elevating it before it becomes ridiculous. So going all the way in the opposite direction and introducing these guys as an early season recurring nuisance to occupy Buffy’s time while her actual life is sort of in shambles, is way to give us some bad guys but not yet give Buffy a serious threat at this point while she tries to put her life back together. I totally get it if you aren’t into them, I’m not even saying I’m a huge fan (although I like them more than you seem to so far) but I think those are the reasons (from the shows perspective) of why they make sense at this time.

Ray D

Agreed. He sort of stared her down and then she apologized right after so they kind of left it at that.

Ray D

I believe the story is that the third guy was originally supposed to Tucker, the guy from the prom episode but there ended up being scheduling conflicts and he couldn’t return so they just rewrote it to be Tucker’s brother.


I actually like this one and think the parts with the nerds are funny.

Alexis Cardarella

I completely agree with your reaction when Willow threatens Giles, and how weird it was with Giles moving right past it. I’ve brought that up in other reactions and people rationalize it down to a nub. We can all agree it was out of character for Willow (that was the point), but it made no sense for Giles to not be completely taken aback/alarmed by her threatening him. I think it merited more than a surprised/shocked facial expression. As in it needed verbally specifically addressed/reprimanded.

Launa Sorensen

I think almost anything I could add would be a spoiler, but I also think picking "normal" villains for season six works incredibly well for the theme of the season being "normal life can be just as terrifying as anything supernatural." But I'm also one of those weirdos who would rank season 6 in my top favorite seasons (mostly due to being able to personally relate to a ton of the themes/plotlines.) The trio are the only Buffy villains to ever give me nightmares.


I always hate how everyone reacts to Anya's suggestion. I always thought the same thing of "that's what Angel does." Also it really pisses me off that the watchers council pays Giles but not Buffy. I never understood that. They should be paying her.


So this season does not have the same Buffy formula which I love. I reacted like you at you at first but by the end this was my favorite season. Buffy is basically dealing with depression and this is the journey she is on right now getting her life back together. The 3 Dorks that is the reaction the writers want you to have. Buffy has faced a god...and now she is dealing with 3 geeks...Its not only genius but it gets SO GOOD

s jaco

I think like with everything in Buffy, you have to trust that it will pay off in the end. I'm not sure if I liked the trio when they first were introduced this way, but I enjoy them now. The Giles and Willow thing makes sense to me. Willow expected Giles to praise her, but instead he told her off in a big way and that pissed her off. I think my least favourite part of this episode is how people treat Anya at the start of the episode, but then in general she gets treated pretty poorly at times.


Urg... Buffy friends in this episode. Aren't Tara and Willow living at the home? Do they not pay anything?

james cedro

I am surprised you only gave this episode a 6 and seemed like barely a 6..it was at least a 7 ...not the best but hardly the worst episode...if you don’t like the trio you most likely will hate this season ...I liked the trio so I liked this season ...there are much worse episodes than this one this season so not sure you will enjoy this season should be interesting to see your reaction

Daniel R

True but Slayers die all the time, must make for some horrific paperwork in the HR/payroll department lol

Stephanie Bedworth

I like the episode. It's not fantastic or anything but I always found it entertaining enough and I was kind of happy to see Jonathon again. I find Andrew amusing. The weak link is always going to be Warren. I can't stand that guy.

Vicky N

It’s hard to comment on the purpose of Jonathan, Warren and Andrew based on one episode. I think that a lot of comments about them here are spoilery. I agree with you the standout scenes were the ones with Giles. The difference between the Slayer purpose and Angel choosing to fight demon is the reason why Buffy feels that she cannot charge people. She didn’t choose this life, she was chosen. It’s not a job, as Kendra said, it’s who she is. Nevertheless I agree that the watcher council should provide for the slayer. The problem is Buffy quit the council at the end of season 3 and was never reinstated. Only Giles was.


that kitchen scene between gilles and willow is one of my favorites. the acting from them both is so superb. after willow says not to piss her off, you can see her instantly snap out of it/resort back to meek willow immediately after. the shift in her tone and facial expression in that moment is such stellar acting.

Reed James

I love the trio. This season is all about depression and how life is full of little annoyance and she has to deal with some really little villains this season.


also, i think it's time to look into getting some mods steven. not sure if you have them yet, but i'm looking through some of these comments and they are spoilery as hell. people are flat out telling you what the big themes are for the season. yikes, calm down folks. it's only episode 4.

Calvin Allen

People want him to like this so much that they are telling him the outcome

Flora Smith

Unfortunately Patreon doesn’t have a mod function



Daniel R

This episode definitely falls off the rails during the second half, at least from a writing perspective. It's especially noticeable when you, yourself question why Buffy brought the Demon downstairs in the first place when she already had the advantage over him and could have subdued him and questioned him. The reason is to have that witty line about the copper piping, but the only way to get to that line is to have them fight in a flooded basement. It was almost as if Buffy decided to fight down there to "change things up" so she gave up the advantage she had to take a tumble down the stairs to then... oh forget it. Then at the end Buffy realizes she should have questioned the Demon and figured out who sent him?!?! I didn't buy any of that.


Those three guys are idiots, but I kind of like the idea of Jonathan finally having become more assertive, finding people with common interests and making some actual friends. This is in stark contrast to the times when he was just going to give up and kill himself or thought that his only option was brainwashing the entire world. It's still baby steps though, he could have done much better than befriending the sexbot-dude.

Tammy L. Faulkner

'Love Johnathan... Hate Warren... Learn to be ok with "Tucker's brother"'. This is the thought I had when I saw the three stooges for the first time.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

I know the 3 geeks are crap, but there is a point to them. You will probably never like them; outside of Jonathan I never really liked ir enjoyed any of them, but the storyline probably wouldn't work without them. Their role in the story is pretty essential when it's all said. I can't really think of a good way they could have been replaced in the story in a way that would satisfy all of the story beats that unfold by the end of the season. That's all I can say.

Sherifa AlMalki

I love and look forward to these reactions but it feels like your trying so hard to guess what’s happening next and if you can’t figure it out you just hate it ( which is totally understandable I am not condemning I’m just pointing out) no one is expecting you to figure everything out or make predictions in my opinion if you relax and let the story unfold it would be better, sometimes when you read a good mystery you have to go through chapters that aren’t making that much sense until they do!

Fighter seVen'eiGht

I think his reaction is understandable. It's similar to my own reaction to the setup way back when I first saw this episode and saw where they were going. It wasn't enough to make me quit watching or anything but I suspected Whedon was running out of ideas. In hindsight I felt that it was brilliant storytelling. Still the setup could have been better. Eg. In this episode I feel they spent too much time with the Trio; They could have been established with fewer scenes. I do agree that it's better to let the story unfold.

Svetlana Grabar

Interesting reaction. I really liked this episode. The geeks were pretty funny to me and Buffy dealing with real life issues felt serious and relatable. I’m glad you liked Giles and willow’s conversation though, I thought that was pretty intense.

Other Boy Reactions

Lol The Council never paid Buffy even before she quit so I don’t think they would pay her now if she decided to work with them again.

Steve Quast

The scenes with Giles seeing Buffy again, the conversation between Giles and Willow, and Buffy talking to Spike are all really good to me. Everything else was just average at best and I'm really not a fan of the three nerds either.


I always get confused as to why some reactors don't like the 3 guys. Different perspectives, right? It's all good! I simply really appreciate the change up from a dramatic season 5 that rips your heart out to some light comedy for season 6, considering that this season has dark elements throughout. Perhaps putting a major villain in this season at the beginning would be way too much for us to handle. That's my perspective anyway. But I always appreciate these reactions even if I disagree with you haha. THANK YOU!