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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Siti Dee

I really enjoyed this episode mostly bc of the creepy haunted house aspect of it. And the cutesy doctor/clara moments lol but I still agree what you said though, the ending was kinda ehhh. But this is still one of the ep I would come back for a rewatch. I also LOVE Clara's reaction where they travelled to the "end of the universe". I love when they show us things like that, makes them more human/realistic. "So I am a ghost. We're all ghosts to you. We must be nothing." Reminds me of when Wilf said to the 10th Doctor: "We must look like ants to you" ok, welp I'm getting emotional now thinking about wilf 😂😭💔 Great reaction as always!


If you want to see more of Clara and the TARDIS I suggest watching this minisode, it kind of expands on the TARDIS's dislike for Clara lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8I9z6Y4mBY

Jason Usher

The Psychic opens the portal so the Tardis could get out of the pocket universe quicker


Can I put across that this was the first episode that Matt and Jenna shot together as Doctor and companion proper. I find it very interesting how Jenna plays "Clara" in this episode is very different to the previous couple of episodes and probably written that way. Even at the time it was jarring to me but I hope I'm not the only one who noticed it because this isn't the same "Clara" from last episode or for the rest of the series IMO.

Nate Perkins

That might be because originally the Victorian Clara was going to stay as the companion