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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ghost Mom

Havent got to the meat of the video yet, but steven if you're able to go to ER, please do. i just went to emergency last night due to pain in my eye, week long headache, throbbing pain and blurry vision. they found a viral infection and put me on anti virals and told me if its not caught early enough you can suffer permanent damage or blindness. it might be nothing and i hope its nothing eyes are definitely something you dont want to wait it out on.

Ghost Mom

dont do it on twitch, theyre super strict. the best course would be to set up a patron only discord section then stream it live over discord


You may want to at least set up a telehealth conference with you doctor, because eye stuff can be scary. Also Covid can present with pink eye like symptoms and headache. If they don't think it's something like that they may be able to send you to an eye doctor who can get you antibiotics if you scratched your cornea. We just want to see you healthy into the New Year.


he already did streams on twitch like this. It worked fine because there is no VOD saved so there is little chance something bad will happen.


We came back this episode for one last number, the most important one, and we discovered something interesting. Remember you mentioned a few times why we only got numbers in New York. Well in this episode we found out, due to circumstance that there is another team out there and they wandered if they are the only ones. Well, I really think that there are quite a few, at least now and the machine has some tricks up her sleave. If we look at Root's simulation hypothesis then the fact that the machine knows her so well due to many prediction algorithms she experienced it means that she's not really gone. The machine is essentially her. And that's a comfort. Don't worry about the finale, you will love it and I cannot wait for your reaction. Hope you stay healthy. Also please if you can take into consideration the time difference when you are live so that people from Europe (hi from the UK) can participate as well.


I agree that I don't really like the way root went out, offscreen. She was in a perfect position to basically to a Boromir death - go down fighting in a blaze of glory. She did get a ton of good moments in what was maybe the best written episode of the whole show. But I don't think it should have been the finale. The show is, at its core, about the machine (well, machines). They needed to have the machine prominently involved, and able to speak for itself, for the endgame. And it would have been pretty weird and frankly confusing to have Root alive while the machine also uses her voice.


I don't know what's going on with reaction to this show. It's been over two weeks since you've uploaded any video and there is absolutely ZERO communication as to when the livestream is going to be or IF there is going to be one. Not cool.