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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



one of my favorite episodes😩 so yes lydia is a banshee meaning she senses death. super excited for the next few episodes and then the best second half of the season EVER


Agree 3B SLAPS like no other!


Yes so a darach is an emissary that has gone dark, and she turned dark because of the actions of the alphas. In the next few episodes her connection to the alphas is explained, like which alpha she was the emissary to and what happened to her. Like how we know Morrell is Deucalion's emissary and Deaton was Talia's, soon you'll learn who Ms.Blake was emissary to and what made her go dark. Also Lydia being a banshee or "the wailing women" means she can sense and predict death, which is why she can find the bodies. When a banshee wails it is the scream of death, and she can also sense and locate bodies.


You're making quite a lot of spoilers concerning Lydia abilities, he didn't even figure half of it, it seen in the episodes to come...

Stefan Davis

One thing this show does so well is WRAP-UPS......because every season is about 10-12 episodes they do a good job with pacing and towards the season finale they also do a good job of answering your questions/ clarifying some situations which IMO the show doesn’t get enough credit for(Especially the main arcs)......but just sit tight because the last 3 episodes will answer your questions


I was waiting for you to see who was really Darach really was. Just makes me wonder why you didn't wonder why she didn't use her strength like her picking up stiles dad by a knife when a few episodes back she was held by Ethan and Aiden when Boyd was killed. Just a thought but you will find out later anyways. This one and the rest of season A are my favorites until second half then that changes all together.


Good episode, so yes Mrs. Blake is the sacrificial killer, usually the one who seems above suspicion is the culprit in tv shows or movies. I love that we find out and we see that in addition she has tried to get closer with Derek since the beginning, Derek who is against the Alphas, you will surely see the link here, but now knowing what she wants of this romance is another story.  As for the situation with Lydia, when she receives the text she thinks that Aiden sent her and that he is going to join her but as we can see he did not send anything. When Mrs. Blake says to her 'You are like me' it is necessary to take into account the rest of her sentence, the one which 'she seems innocent but is a snake underneath'. So, she's not saying that she and Lydia are the same supernatural beings but rather that Blake has managed to manipulate everyone into thinking that she is innocent and obviously she sees the Banshees, which we discover Lydia to be (the wailing woman) like a dangerous being despite the fact that Lydia looks innocent.  I love that Stiles is trying to explain to his father and as we saw, he didn't believe it, he's a man who spent his life making a career getting hard facts so imagine something that seems so supernatural can exist, it turns its world upside down and its perspectives.  As you understood, what happens with Cora will be seen in the next episodes.  Mr Argent, he is a hunter and a very good at that, it doesn't surprise me that since the beginning he was able to gather certain elements and information much more easily than the others, it is his job to hunt, he is good. Too bad only that he is not sharing with his daughter, even just with the idea of ​​teaching her more.  Finally, I don't know what you meant by this girl who was found by the Alphas, because it is only in this episode that she is mentioned for the first time (at least I think, you put me in doubt 🤔).  Finally, the next episode I'm sure you'll love and still those who come, here we are, 3 final episodes and the plot heats up, Stiles dad has been kidnapped, see what happens now ... I can't wait.


Things are really heating up!! Only a few more episodes until the 3a finale I'm sorry David, but I've never been more excited to see you be wrong about the last teacher getting taken being Ms. Blake, lol. This episode made me feel so bad for Stiles. He's always had to lie to his dad throughout the show and he finally tells him the truth, tries to get him to believe, but the sheriff doesn't, they fight, and now the sheriff is taken. Definitely has/had me in my Stilinski Family Feels. You're finally learning about Lydia! This has been a *long* time coming. In fact, every time I re-watch the show, I see more and more tiny hints and clues about it, going all back to the beginning of season two. My heart definitely goes out to Holland's vocal chords because all of that screaming had to be brutal! You'll definitely learn a lot more about Lydia, what being a Banshee means, and why she does the weird things she does, like showing up where dead bodies are found and going to strange hallways when the person she's supposed to be meeting is in the same room. I don't want to give anything away since you'll be learning more and you definitely haven't missed it! I like that a lot of the time, especially in regards to Lydia, we're learning these things along with the characters. It's like we're literally along for the ride with them, when they know, we know. I loveee the way the orchestra music transitioned into the Darach's theme song. It was absolutely amazing and really sets the scene so well. I feel bad for all the attendees of the concert. It was an event to honor all the people that got murdered....and then someone else got murdered. YIKES. Grief and trauma counseling for everyone, yay! The girl Sheriff Stilinski was talking about was brought up in this episode, in the scene with Melissa at the hospital when she mentioned birds flying into the windows. The one you're thinking about from an earlier episode was just another sacrifice. They'll definitely explain more about the Darach and how she became who she is in the next few episodes. They do hint at it a bit throughout the series and even in this episode! When Ms. Blake and Derek met up in the overpass, and when they showed her right before the concert started, the leaves started to move as if by magic. I'm pretty sure that was right after that teacher died wherever Allison, Isaac, and Mr. Argent were. Subtle clues that mean more in hindsight! This episode literally blew my mind when I first watched it. Your reaction was my reaction. I never would've thought it was Ms. Blake, but it'll definitely make more sense as you watch the next episodes. If you ever re-watch the show in the future, you'll see all the clues they've sprinkled along the way, all the lines with double-meanings, etc. Can't wait for the next reaction!


Honestly I feel like that is one thing this show struggles with is pacing, like it struggles a lot. In terms of not fleshing out characters or storylines enough or dropping characters or storylines before they develop them. After watching the show a few times, there are moments when you can see they were setting something up and never did so, because they ran outta time and didn't give themselves enough room to develop/expand of those ideas while always executing the main plot. I think, like I said, this is especially true for characters and for the relationships on the show. And even some moments where they maybe did not plan to expand on a story but watching it back, maybe the plot could've used it. Just my thought!

Sade L.

Ahhh Lydia is finally revealed as a banshee... fun fact: the actress that plays Lydia damaged her vocal chords doing the scream so after a certain point they had to reuse the sound of the scream for the remainder of the show


What was the hints you found out from prev episodes?