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Ummm so regarding the Mike and Rachel situation, I actually liked that he decided not to date her and lie everyday. He had feelings for Rachel since day one and on their date he realized he really wanted to be with her, and could see them going the distance. Meaning that he would have to continue to lie to her everyday both at work and at home, and yea it is a lie because he is lying and frauding her and the entire New York legal system. He knows the stakes, Harvey knows the stakes, Jessica knows the stakes, he literally is committing a federal crime everyday and that wears heavy on him and his conscious so he knows he can't start off a relationship with Rachel and continuously lie to her. It is a big deal, this is a lie about basically his identity? It's like when someone is a doctor or a lawyer, it is more than just a "job" it is a part of who they are. Because in most cases (except for Mike) it is something you fight for and build towards for over 10 years. With four years of college, four years of law school, and even a year or two as an associate. So he is literally lying about who he is and not telling her that he never went to college, never went to Harvard or any law school, and never even passed the bar under his own name. So what he is supposed to date her? Then just let her think that and one day let's say he meets her family and friends and they ask "oh what do you do? oh where'd you go to school?" and he would be standing right next to her lying to important people in her life? Hell nah. Also when he first met Rachel, during season 1, she mentions how much she wants to become a lawyer one day. It hasn't happened because she cannot pass the bar exam, because she is a bad test taker. Since she can't pass the bar then she can't go to law school and she can never be a lawyer. Even if she passed she would have to get into law school (specifically Harvard if she wanted to work at Pearson Hardman like the other associates). So Mike is supposed to date her and watch her study and kill herself to achieve her dream of becoming a lawyer that may never happen because she cannot pass the bar exam and get into law school? He is going to watch that and sit there like oh.... well this goal you have and this dream career you want I have it. I am living this dream and it is happening because I am lying? Because I am frauding Harvard, I am frauding Pearson Hardman, and I am frauding the New York legal system. He knows that he cannot date someone and fall in love with her and let her fall in love with him, and at the same time just continuously keep this from her. So yea...that is why he was grown and decided to break up with her. Also, when Harvey mentions he doesn't care if he dates Rachel as long as he doesn't tell her the truth, just reinforces some of Harvey's intimacy issues and why he is still single. He is comfortable keeping things from the women he dates and thinks it is okay to not be emotionally intimate in addition to sexually intimate. So the dig Mike makes about him telling himself over and over at different ages that "he'll meet someone" is actually pretty reflective of what Harvey's life is.


Didn't mean for that to be so long, but like I just don't get why it seemed so difficult to understand? Of course Mike does not want to date her and then keep this from her. Also, Rachel was feeling just confused and insecure when she said "oh I am not good enough for you?" This man (Mike) flirted with her and then started dating Jenny, then they kiss and she doesn't hear back, then they go on a date and a day later he pumps the brakes with some lame ass excuse (because he is struggling with a valid reason since he can't say the truth). Plus there is an imbalance of power between them, since technically in the office Mike is ranked above her. She, is only a paralegal (one that cannot even pass the bar) while Mike is a "Harvard" educated associate. So she was feeling worried and insecure. Anyway, just wanted to explain why she made that comment, since you seemed lost about that.

Stefan Davis

Yea Steven it’s the bigger picture that I think your not understanding but it’s cool I’ll break it down for you a lil bit 😎.....Practicing law with out a law degree is a federal crime alone but add the fact that Mike never went to Law School also makes the situation worse.......now where the issue between him and Rachel is pretty simple He dating her she unwillingly becomes an accomplice to a federal crime if he were to ever get caught and she can also lose her chance to ever become a lawyer, so that isn’t fair to her.....imagine they’ve been together for years and she finds out he’s not a lawyer or he gets caught, do you think anyone would actually believe that she didn’t know that he was a fraud......absolutely not, so not only she’s just finding out about him being a fraud her chances of being a lawyer may be slim to non depending on what the judge rules etc........, now you can say Mike can tell her and if he gets caught she could still lose her license anyway, which would be very true but at that point it would be her choice in the matter......it’s really all about principal and how him being a fraud could effect them both so with a secret that big the person you’re dating should atleast be giving a choice Now on a more personal matter from Rachel’s point a view it’s like damn I’ve been busting my ass failing exam after exam been a paralegal for years and then this fraud who’s been cheating who didn’t graduate law school/never attended law school just cheats the system it’s kinda a slap in the face to anyone who is a lawyer Idk I think you missed the mark on this one buddy because being a fraud is a big deal especially on a federal level and dating someone it’s not fair to them if they don’t know.....but all in all still a great reaction!!!!!! 👍🏾


I wanna also try and explain that Mike/Rachel/secret situation: Mike's whole life right now is his job. It's the most important thing to him. Everything in his life revolves around that lie. If he doesn't tell Rachel but still is in a relationship with her, he can never include her in the most important parts of his life (bc issues that he has mostly are tethered to his lie about having a law degree). So Mike doesn't want a relationship where he has to lie all the time, which I find pretty understandable since he already has to lie at work every day. And we're not at that point where Mike for sure can trust that she would never share his secret. A secret that his entire life rn is built upon. So that's why the only thing he thinks he can do is break up with her.


Yea I agree with what you said that it comes down to principal. And it was about whether or not he wanted to put Rachel in the position to lie for him, become an accomplice, and even compromise her own integrity. or what if she were to be told and then she reported him. Because technically this is a crime and in terms of the law she would be doing the right thing by reporting him, but then she'd have to live with that guilt because she cares about Mike and the guilt would be heartbreaking. I agree that it should be Rachel's choice and him dating her and not telling the truth, it would be him not giving her the facts up front. I agree also that him being in the associate position he is in now, is a kinda slap in the face to what she has been trying to work towards for years.


I agree its as simple as that: Mike doesn't want to lie to his girlfriend day in and day out. And that is a 100% fair because why would you want to date someone if you have to lie or "omit" large parts of your story/who you are. And, you are also right at this point can he trust her? Even if she does care about him he is committing a federal crime and she is passionate about the law, her goal is to be a lawyer, so would she even be wrong if she did share his secret.

Mark Wood

I don't think you're understanding the depth of Mike's lie and crimes that he is committing every single day he works. Harvey is fine with Mike having a relationship with Rachel, and with him lying about it. Now I don't think Harvey understands how serious Mike feels about Rachel (or how serious Mike thanks he could have with Rachel). But this isn't a lie of omission about something that happened in your past that no longer impacts your life or represents your day to day living. Mike is committing a felony every single day he gives legal advise, appears in court, has his name on a brief, ect. Just like last season when the accountant was fired for representing himself to clients as a Certified Accountant (and he wasn't), it leaves every single case Mike has had influence in jeopardy of being invalidated. Knowledge by anyone else who doesn't come forward (in the law profession) is grounds to loose your law license. Conspiracy of it is also a felony. Keeping her in the dark while trying to pursue a long term serious relationship is a massive betrayal. We have another character who also did this. Trevor concealed his drug dealing from his long term serious girl friend. That crime is also a felony, it cost him his relationship with her. Heck, the people who anted to harm him could have also gone after his girl friend. If Rachel was in a serious long term relationship and it came out that Mike was committing fraud, then even if she wasn't legally charged with conspiracy, it would ruin her reputation, most likely cost her a job. And would seriously impact her ability to ever practice law (in a real firm) if she is ever able to go through law school.

Stefan Davis

You’re 100% correct and even if she didn’t lose her license no law firm would want to hire her with that bad publicity of her dating a fraud.....whether she knew about it or not

Amanda Winner

I love this episode, the music, the melodramatics of it (especially that "break-up" scene with Jessica and Harvey)


Mike knew it was wrong to start a relationship with a giant lie between them. Because it means he'd be lying to her constantly to cover it up. And make no mistake, that lie is a GIANT lie. As in, he is committing a crime and could end up in prison -and potentially drag the firm (and her) down with him - lie. Relationships are built on trust. This would be STARTING a relationship betraying her trust. It just wouldn't be fair of him to put her in that position. So that decision was actually the wise and right thing to do, imo. As for her reaction, Rachel's one big insecurity from the pilot onwards is about her being "just" a paralegal, which could be seen as indicative of her not being good enough to be a real lawyer. And apparently the other associates have looked down on her in the past because of that. So whenever she suggests that Mike thinks she's not good enough for him, that's usually where that's coming from.