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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Jess was an absolute a** this episode and deserves the hate imo, nothing that he did was ok. I don’t like how annoyed/upset Dave was towards Lane, I get not like having Young Chui around still but he should’ve brought it up before the party. The Luke/Lorelai hotel room is super awkward (I always skip this part on rewatches lol) but I think it’s their dynamic of flirty friendship and Lorelai’s not used to seeing him with another woman, plus she knows Nicole doesn’t really care for her. I’m partially #TeamJess, but I don’t condone his current and past actions, you’re allowed to feel however you want to about him. He’s exhibited some questionable behavior but like with any character theres growth and change with getting older and having more life experiences. My “ship” for them as a couple is based on their similarities with books/reading, intelligence and musical taste. Jess also only ever opened up and showed his sweet side to Rory and she saw the good in his heart and his potential and always wanted him to value himself.


This is for sure one of Jess' low points in this show and fan of his or not, no one can justify him not stopping the first time she said wait. I disagree with you on what followed, though and this is not me defending him as much as trying to understand what was going on in his head at the moment. I feel like after the news from school he was full on depressed and trying to find an escape (which he did through Rory and that was badly executed) and when she pushed him away, his frustration came to a high, but it wasn't frustration at Rory. I feel like it was frustration at his life, at his failure and at his inability to deal with those feelings. (Of course, Rory had no clue what was going on in his head and she took his anger as frustration for not getting to sleep with her and that's sad, but as soon as she left, he went after her saying it wasn't her fault and she did nothing to make him mad, it was just too late) He did leave her crying, but that's because he saw her talking to Dean and thought she had gone to him again (that was the old feelings and jealousy coming back) So yeah, no forgiving him for dealing with his emotions in such a bad way, but I feel like what came after was born out of a misunderstanding between the two (she didn't know what he was dealing with and so brought the situation down to her and he's just so bad at communicating, it hurts D:)

Tendai kangas

Jess was an ass who was projecting his own shit, and it's no excuse. I like his character and how he converses with others but this was crap. Very toxic behaviour from him and I was really disappointed


I think what Jess did here was definitely his low point. You can't defend what he did there. But he did apologize immidiately afterwards right before Dean punched him in the face. I personally like Jess, but he just hasn't figured out his place in the world yet and that's why he is always so moody and doesn't know what to do. Rory is kinda the opposite (at least at that point in the show where you are now), she knows what she wants, she knows where she wants to be and Jess likes that about her. I feel like if Jess had somebody to talk to, a friend or something .. he could let his feelings out better and not bottle them up inside like he did this episode.


Jess was an asshole and this is one of his low points. But ...... nope that's all.


As a fan of Jess, there is no excuse. He should’ve told Rory the truth about what was going on and not went to the party at all. He screwed up majorly by trying to go further with Rory, but he was going to apologize after Rory ran out but then he screwed up majorly again by letting it bother him that she was talking to dean. Because he feels inferior to dean. He always has. He feels like a failure because prom is the one thing Rory asked for from him and he couldn’t provide it and also with school he doesn’t know what he’s going to do now. But, that is all on Jess. His choices have consequences and he has to deal with that. I do feel for him and understand why he acts the way he does but that doesn’t mean I condone it. Jess is not a good boyfriend. He has his moments and he wants to be but he is just not ready to be that right now. He needs to focus on himself and has a lot of growing to do.


I get so mad when hard core Jess fans try and justify this. SHE SAID NO AND WAIT! Several times!!!! How anyone can try and justify or excuse his actions here is beyond me! I even went to watch this specific scene on YouTube and saw some people try and say "Dean should of minded his own business"......WHAT?!

Thomas Becker

stop that thing with your beard! or mute your mic. please


Fun reaction 😆

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Yeah, Jess didn't throw the first punch but Dean did it because it was so obvious that Jess was the reason Rory was so upset. Did he have the right to do that? I don't know. But it wasn't malicious on his end. Jess, on the other hand...Nothing excuses his behavior with Rory at the party. I get that he was frustrated but taking it out on her? And in that context? A WORLD of no.