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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I don't watch Supernatural, but the title caught my eye - if you have a chance, the movie "Defending Your Life" from which they got the title (and maybe the concept) is a classic, underrated comedy.


The thing about season 7 to me, is that so many of the standalone hunt episodes are some of the best in the shows history, but ALL the leviathan stuff had so much more potential to be better and it just always lacked for me.

Daniel R

I always thought Leviathans were better as side-monsters not THE main monsters of a season. I can't wait til Steven gets way deeper into the story because the game constantly changes with Supernatural, I just think it'll be a long while til we get to mid-Season 8 onwards because that's when I think the show gets on another level.

john segun doe

I really don't get how ppl don't like this season. Its soo unique and different from what we were used to. Nice change of pace after half a decade


Amy was a Kitsune, a monster. Monsters go to Purgatory, they can’t be ghosts. The reason they didn’t have her come back to haunt and try to kill Dean is because it wouldn’t make sense in the established lore of Supernatural lol


Glad you enjoyed this one. Once you learn it’s about the guilt the person feels, you know Dean will be guilty. Dude almost never thinks of himself in a good way.


See I don't get the rating something down all the time based on what you predicted to happen or thought would happen vs judging what did happen. Joe was the witness and Dean ended the trial. Amy wasn't a witness to appear and not sure like others have said she could have anyway being a monster and not a person so don't think she could be a ghost anyway. Judging things that way would be like watching a Batman movie and predicating that Robin will show up and when he doesn't giving the film an 80 instead of 90 or something or like watching Buffy and Spike comes back in s4 and someone expecting Dru to show up with him but then she doesn't and rating the episode a 7 instead of an 8 or something. You can predict that anything can happen in the story or that a character could show up but that doesn't mean they will or that is the story the writers wanted to tell or that it makes the episode worse. I guess it is a subjective thing and people can say well I think it would be better if x, y or z happened.It's a subtle distinction but I think it's better to not predict whats is going to happen and then judge or review actually does happen and then if there is something you think could have been better or different OK but to predict or expect things to go a certain way and then knock it down because it's not what you thought isn't great in my opinion. It's a subtle difference but I think it makes sense. Plus it allows people to sit back more to try and enjoy what happened more and then see what plays out in the upcoming episodes which you never know might be better than you expected. I mean sometimes you can't predict what the writers are going to do and it makes for a great ep like with the trickster ones. Isn't it better to just sit back and see the trickster kill Dean a bunch of times or trap them in TV land then try and predict what he would do in the episode and then be disappointed when that is not what happened.

Aribi Iwo-Brown

The reason why this dude was questionable was because he judges guilt the emotion and and not guilt the way the law defines it. So, it ends up targeting people who committed accidental acts, have already repented or aren't even responsible for the act itself but have an emotional connection. By this logic, he probably wouldn't even target people who don't feel any remorse for their actions or people who don't take any responsibility for what they've done which I think are arguably worse than the repentant.